can two female border collies live together

The best balance for two border collies seems to be the male and female balance in a two border collie household. Separate walks until they have learnt the basic's of walking on the lead and they are focused on the person on the end of the lead. However, if your dog acts submissive when you scold him, cowering away from you with his tail between his legs and licking your hand or face, it means that he knows that he did something wrong and realizes that he might have upset you. Today, they are still utilized for herding and are considered one of the best breeds in the world for the job. Two dogs can become good pals, or not. Although these dogs are collective and calm in nature they can be fairly aggressive towards other dogs. The upkeep on these dogs is simply too much to make larger kennels common. If your dog is staring at you, even when you are doing something else, it means you are very important in his life, and he loves being around you. Owning a Border Collie requires a lot of patience and knowledge, what more two of them. One of our dogs had to go to the ER for staples on a large gash from a fight, on Christmas Day! The life span of a Border Collie is usually ranging from 10 to 14 years. If your Border Collie is anxious, he may be more likely to be cautious with you and avoid affection as a result. However, they also need that training, or they can become bored and destructive. Their large size and high energy will make them the perfect playmate for a Border Collie. Herding is deep in their nature many Collies still work on farms today and herding comes naturally to them. Not to mention the fact, Do Border Collies Shed A Lot? I suggest raising both these breeds together from puppyhood so that they wont get into each others nerves as adults. This is something you wouldnt want to happen. Conversely, some Collies may not like the breeds on our list. But If introduced and socialized properly, two Border Collies can become good friends. Although this may appear aggressive, it is simply the Border Collie sending a message to the other dog. In the end, how you raise the dog is always more important than the dogs sex. They also have a large size that matches well with our active breed. With that, they will enjoy the company of the equally energetic Border Collie. Border Collies are prone to jealousy, especially in the situation when your dog thinks that you dont pay enough attention to him. Q: Do Border Collies do well in hot weather? Some male dogs have been quite prolific over their lifetime, producing many different puppies. I would like to add another mellow dog to the family soon. As a result, Border Collies have been known to not get along with other dogs very well. If your pup constantly stares into your eyes, it doesnt mean he is scared of you, but that he loves you more than anything else. These dogs want to be with the family, and they like to learn all about whats going on during their time spent with you. We also curate and review dog products that we personally use on our pets. Like the latte,r this breed is a ball of energy. I adopted them separately but within about 6 weeks of each other. Aussies are not necessarily more laid back than border collies. However, you should be prepared to deal with their intense energy and temperament. But only if you and your family are really prepared to handle double-everything. Whatever bad behavior your Shepherd has, whether its barking at night or other bad behaviors, using the right training program is the key to having an obedient and happy pup. Your Border Collie wants to be a part of the family and will do its best to make you happy. If not, your Border Collie will do its own tricks, which will become problematic, especially when theres another dog involved. Should I get a border collie? The reason for their aggression towards dogs makes a lot of sense. Learn more. Although friendly and affectionate canines, Border Collies have an aggressive side. You can only be on one place at once. Your dog may also jump up on you or lick your face to show his affection. All rescues. Note that two Border Collies of the same gender are not a good combination. They are very jealous of each other and compete for everything, particularly the attention of the humans in the house. Yes! If your dog brings you things as a gift, it shows he loves you and wants to spend time with you. Can Two Border Collies Live Together? Two border collies on the loose makes them harder to monitor. any suggestion are greatly appreciated!!! It can, but there's no guarantee that it will. If a Border Collie is around a small dog, it may try to herd the small dog, resulting in nipping and other aggressive behavior. You can even pair these two breeds during training. This last summer, the girls got in to it real bad. Train the one you have out of the unwanted behaviour before you get another. (And When Is There Something Wrong? Since my yellow lab, died two years ago, and I rescued a black lab this past spring the fights have gotten worse. Jubilant Pups is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. All these features will allow a Golden Retriever to get along with the Border Collie really well. It is also advisable to (Meaning of the Border Collie Stare), Training a Border Collie Puppy Not to Bite (9 Simple Steps), How Much Do Border Collies Weigh? With these characteristics in mind, lets take a look at the 10 best companion dog breeds to get for your Border Collie. Cookie Notice I also fostered a male BC for awhile, and she adored him. For this reason, it is important for you to learn more about positive reinforcement training so that your pup knows that being affectionate with you will only earn him good things. Despite their girth, the Border Collie Golden Retriever mix can live happily in smaller homes or apartmentsprovided they get plenty of exercise, of course. Considering this breeds working background, however, a house with room to run is optimal. Are Golden Retriever Border Collie mixes good family dogs? Advice on this forum is not a substitute for advice from a trained and credentialed professional. Border Collies were bred as herd dogs. A: Border Collies take longer to calm down than other breeds. If your Border Collie avoids affection, it may be because he doesnt like to be touched, or there may be something else going on. Border Collies are generally known to be very good with cats. Border Collies Like to be hugged and cuddled by you a lot. I have never had an Aussie but know many through agility and they are not less hyper than border collies. Overall, there arent many health differences between male and female Border Collies. Although English Pointers are declining in popularity, they are a great breed. If your dog is not a fan of cuddling, you can use positive reinforcement to encourage them to get closer. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. Patience, consistency, and proper training are crucial to ensure that your Border Collie will accept the new member of the household. I love them all and would never give any of them up but my life would be a lot easier with one dog. Maybe consider crate training in separate areas, as with all training its better if it's a one on one session out of sight of the other border collie. It reallty depends on personalities. Border Collie puppies are just as affectionate as adult Border Collies. As you need to take care of two Border Collies you will need to buy more food, more dog toys, and other supplies, medical care. You can make introducing your new canine friend into your household relatively stress free if you put some thought into what you are doing: Depending on the age of the border collies, it is best to feed them separately so no issues or fights arise over food. There are a lot of things to consider when deciding to bring a second border collie into your home. Many dogs of non-herding breeds will chase. Its important to note that Border Collies are happiest when someone is around to whom they can attach themselves. However, this isnt a guarantee, given that some females can grow to be quite large. google_ad_client: "ca-pub-1293410998927460", This can also happen if you brought home another pet. Overall, there arent many health differences between male and female Border Collies. Nevertheless, the Belgian Tervuren will still enjoy a sunny day as long as you groom and trim their coat properly. If the female is still growing, her own growth could be affected because her body is attempting to grow puppies. If someone needs livestock herded, they often employ Border Collies. Cheaper than replacing everything they might break. Paste as plain text instead, The reason that Border Collies are clingy has to do with their intelligence. The one thing you need to be careful of when you have two Border Collies is them getting too rough when they play. WebWhich dogs does the Border Collier get on well with? How to get your Border Collie to enjoy cuddling more. )if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'jubilantpups_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_18',144,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-jubilantpups_com-mobile-leaderboard-2-0'); Border Collies are not the most dog-friendly breeds, making it important to select a companion dog that matches the Border Collies personality and tendencies. On top of the similar intelligence between these two breeds, Belgian Shepherds are really playful and have a lot of energy. Will my border collie hurt my Archived post. That said, males are more prone to sex-specific behaviors like urine marking. If your Border Collie licks you, it is actually a version of kissing you, showing that he cares deeply for you. Its important to train your dog properly to prevent this from happening and to protect the new pet from the nipping habit of Border Collies. Another difference is that male Border Collies typically enjoy being in charge while females are more likely to offer their opinion about whats going on. They did great on the job, but the problem is that their herding instincts are hard-wired in their genes. She will literally chase anything that moves, including our kids ( If your pup jumps into your lap or sits next to you while you are resting or doing something else, it means that he loves being with you and cherishes the time that you spend together. Most of all, you should get the right breed that complements your resident doggos personality and temperament. Arcana pets is the best place for you to get needed pet related information. And puppies aren't the only way to acquire another border collie. The Border Collie has a lot of energy to keep up with small children and will provide that gentle balance for your kids who are growing up with busy, fast-paced lives. Border Collie vs Australian Shepherd: Which One Is Right for You. Someone to play with when the kids are at school, or company when she is home alone. Except that doesn't always work. Most do fine with other breeds and types that are members of their own households. I believe each of them wishes they could be the only dog in the family. does not intend to provide veterinary advice. How Much to Expect From Your Border Collie Coat. If it doesn't, then you'll have 2 dogs demanding your time and attention. I have two females a 5yr old pit mix and a 2yr old Doberman mix. However, it will probably happen after some time spent together. Your whole world becomes very dogcentric. You would definitely want to pet these dogs if you ever come across one on the street. These key characteristics will complement a Border Collie extremely well. Goldies are intelligent, active, and very playful, which is almost similar to a Border Collie. (Best Companion Dogs For Beagles), Are Labradors Good With Other Dogs? While we provide information resources and canine education, the content here is not a substitute for veterinary guidance. They have an affinity for nipping and roughhousing. The two have similar personalities which makes them suitable for each other. Ive written about how to manage the Border Collies energy levels. They require a whole lot of training, and training them may be tough. Moreover, Border Collies use nipping for play, which is a big problem when introducing them to another dog. Border Collies want to feel like they are the protector of their pack. Are you raising your Border Collie in a multi-canine household? The oldest is seven years old and is a border collie blue healer mix, the other is five years old and a black lab border collie mix. If you want a cuddly dog who is happy to follow you around the house, this is the breed for you. Share it with us below! This means that you will try offering treats every now and again while hugging or cuddling your pup to make them associate being touched with something positive. Border Collies live an average of 12 years but, they can live up to 18 years when not exposed to any major health risks, which is why its so important to do your That doesnt mean you should expect to get lots of cuddles initially. I just wanted to caution against the assumption some people make that a second dog will entertain the first. In some cases, females are considered less likely to wander around. No. While this can sometimes be annoying, it is actually a sign of affection because he loves spending time with you so much that he doesnt want to let you go. Teaching them a recall command may be slightly difficult, though, because they are more likely to wander off. He is our extra special boy and he has been in our Cyprus Shelter for just over a month, having been found wandering the streets. This site does not constitute pet medical advice, please consult a licensed veterinarian in your area for pet medical advice. They, too, will follow you around, jump up on your lap or shoulders, and be completely devoted to you. Many Border Collies can thrive with a companion dog, but you have to be very careful with the breed. These characteristics allow English Pointers to mesh well with the intelligent Border Collie.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'jubilantpups_com-leader-2','ezslot_9',127,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-jubilantpups_com-leader-2-0'); At the same time, English Pointers are about the same size as a Border Collie and need the same amount of playtime. Its pleasant and can be quite funny watching two Border Collies running and playing together. Because of this natural instinct within Border Collies, they view other animals, including dog breeds, as a threat to the herd. You cannot paste images directly. Therefore, females are often bred later than males in general. The Pit bull Terrier and Border collie have a lifespan of 12 to 14 and 12 to 13 years. A Standard Poodle will get along with a Border Collie great as well. In other words, it was their job to help protect and keep the herd together. They go into heat twice a year, during which time, they can become much more affectionate. If your Border Collie has dry skin, he may be uncomfortable when you touch his skin because it hurts. Once again, taking the time to train them well should do the trick. So if your dogs skills aren't really, really good, or if you just don't want to risk that kind of thing, you might consider getting a male for your second dog. A: The Border Collie breed is very tolerant of both hot and cold weather. I'm not trying to scare you away, just providing my personal experience and opinion. The Australian Cattle Dog was bred as a herding canine, so they are guaranteed to become excellent companions for Border Collies. First, females can get certain forms of cancer that males cannot, like uterine cancer and cervical cancer. (10 Companion, Do Dobermans Get Along With Other Dogs? To avoid trouble, I would recommend you block out periods of time where you work with her and the pup separately every day. However, any actual differences are likely to be small and insignificant. WebBorder Collies are believed to be one of the most intelligent breeds in the world. Similar to the Golden Retriever is the Labrador. These dogs are larger than Border Collies. All Border Collies are relatively easy to train. I truly do believe the Breed is an addiction , that being half the reason i want another BC, i just love them!!! Males are more likely to develop certain cancers and other issues. Because they require so much exercise, they will complement the Border Collies high energy well. These dogs not only enjoy being in your presence, but they also enjoy being as close to you as possible. (Average Weight by Age), Do Border Collies Shed a Lot? (And 9 Causes Of Aggression). Smokey has a snowy white coat, solid black ears and lots of freckles: he is a fun-loving little chap, with a happy disposition and a huge perpetual smile. This is a tough one as both puppies will be learning the same things at the same time, another words this can compound the problems. Upload or insert images from URL. She would come to lectures with me, demo for the students, finished her championship in agility, etc. They love running around in nice weather while soaking in a lake or pond. Clear consistent and persistent training is essential.Overall this is a tough situation as it is very time consuming to bet the basic's right. (And How To Deal With It), Do Dobermans Get Along With Other Dogs? You should enjoy every moment spent with your fur friend, knowing that the feeling is mutual. You will also need to deal with their behavior should they smell another dog in heat. Disclaimer: This blog and all its content is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as professional pet medical advice. If you have an older Border Collie, try spending time with him and give him treats whenever he comes close to you or shows affection, this will keep your dog feeling loved despite their age. They are extremely intelligent and people-oriented. The Australian Shepherd has a big similarity with a Border Collies personality. My Doberman mix is very reactive, timid, and fearful. In general, yes, Border Collies are snugglers. On the other hand, they might be neutral with each other ( dont fight or anything) meaning they lay down while you are not there and once you show up, jump on their feet ready to burn an immense amount of energy in play/training with you. The male Border Collie Aussie Shepherd can grow taller at 19 to 23 inches (48 to 58 cm) and heavier at 35 to 65 I heard of this syndrome only after I adopted two female border collies at approximately 6/7 months of age (they are now about 11 months). Manage Settings Dogs can bring so much joy in our lives and breed like Border Collie in particular. If you bring the second dog to your Collie too early (before the second birthday), it can turn into a complete mess. Also, Goldies love the outdoors, so they can easily keep up with the lively personality of Border Collies. January 6, 2014 in General Border Collie Discussion. Not to mention the fact youll be able to fit the course around your schedule, not fit your schedule around a trainer or obedience class. Border Collies are generally seen as incredibly obedient around people. Really, there are Thats okay, though. I'm astounded that for the first time in at least 15 years, hubby and I are down to "only" two border collies and an Aussie. They can put up with a Border Collies hyperactivity and nippy behavior. The Border Collie Australian Shepherd mix classifies as a medium-to-large-sized dog. . Jersey is the other half of the reason for considering another dog. From diet, behavior, grooming, and so on, we provide practical tips and tricks for every dog owner. Dalmatians have a bad rap for being aggressive, but you can get them to stay in line if you have adequate time to train them. This includes nipping or barking. Chasing isn't necessarily indicative of herding instinct. If your dog becomes very relaxed when you touch him or pet him, it means that he loves being around you and being affectionate with you. Lastly, the Belgian Tervuren was bred as a herding dog, which is something they have in common with a Border Collie. Although Boxers are really intelligent, they tend to be a bit rebellious. Hereof, we can conclude that its better to have one Border Collie. Scolding a Border Collie is not always easy because they can be very stubborn dogs who dont like being told what to do. WebBordercollie and 2 cat household here. This is when you put your face close to theirs and gently sniff their head or neck. And in most cases, its still going to be: Just imagine how great it will feel to finally be able to trust your Border Collie completely and never worry whether theyll be naughty or not. It often seems like dogs copy bad behaviour much more easily than good. This is one of the only breeds that require more activity than a Border Collie. Your Border Collie will reward your affection with a lot of cuddles and a ton of love. The other companion dog should also be intelligent and listen well. With a female, you typically wont need to deal with these behaviors. Also, proper socialization, training, and introduction to other dogs are important to help a Border Collie adjust to a multi-canine household. Border collies enjoy being with their human family, and this is especially the case if there are children in your household. Females are slightly different biologically than males, which makes them more prone to certain health conditions. What Are The Cons of Getting Another Border Collie? In this blog, we discuss common Border Collie topics and problems to help you raise a well-rounded canine. When the time is right is an individual choice but the experts recommend a minimum of two years between getting your first and second border collies. A: Male Border Collies tend to be more affectionate, but they also retain their puppy ways longer than their female counterparts. This fact may be especially true for intact males. I joined the Council to be able to reach and educate more people on the joy of having a pet dog. Id like to think another dog could grow into a compain for her. This is why they find it hard to get along with other canines. The most common symptoms of the heat cycle in Bernese Mountain dogs are swollen vulva, bloody discharge, How Much Food Does Your Maltipoo Really Need? This may seem like an obvious sign that your pup loves you. Pet Insurance Waiting Periods All You Need To Know. They may be sleeker and thinner than male Borders, but females are better at the job too. When we talk about dog tasks, they are much more likely to focus and smarter mostly in training. As you know, dogs are different. Suppose your dog never spends time around people or other dogs. Your previous content has been restored. ), Are Dobermans Good With Cats (Tips For Making It Work), How To Crate Train A Bernedoodle (Fool-Proof), How To Crate Train A Border Collie (Step By Step), 5 Best Harnesses For Corgis (According To Users), Australian Shepherd Hot Spots (What To Do). Both are rescues. Border Collies are very cuddly, and theyre happiest when theyre spending time with someone. If youre considering adopting one of these dogs, it is essential that you choose the right sex for you. Dogs can become anxious if they feel like theyre not in control of a given situation. Their tendency to roam may simply need to be considered. She can be around other dogs without too many issues, but in the last few months she's started to become a bit more territorial around dogs and people in certain scenarios. Second of all, your first Border Collies personality is important when deciding about a second dog. Walking is beneficial for both you and your dog. First of all, the age of the first dog. The thing to remember also is this: if they DO buddy up, they may bond to each other so tightly that you'll be the odd man out, and they can egg each other on to do naughty and destructive things.

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can two female border collies live together