characteristics of rivers in sierra leone

Scanned by Google. as is indicated in Table 2. Guinea, Liberia. narrower in the southern part of the coast. Unable to display preview. PubMedGoogle Scholar, Allanson, B.R., Hart, R.C., OKeeffe, J.H., Robarts, R.D. PDF copy. Apart from a mountainous peninsula some 45 km long, the coastal zone is flat with a fringing mangrove swamp extending 30 km inland. The Rokel River originates in the Loma The project, implemented in 1980, is located at Magbass on the banks of the river and has an irrigation command of 880 square kilometres (340sqmi). Scanned by Google. parallels of latitude north of the equator. From the time of their arrival on the shores of Sierra Leone in 1460, and until their gradual decline as leaders in world exploration in the sixteenth century, the Portuguese had an ambiguous relationship with their African trading partners. The Sierra Leone River is a river estuary on the Atlantic Ocean in Western Sierra Leone. the North and South Equatorial Currents. Differences in diet are discussed in terms of the probable future of each species in the new Volta Lake in Ghana as it matures. Mean monthly temperatures whereas in the wet season the average salinity value is 19.7/00 (Longhurst, 1983). sub-community, sparid community is associated with the type of bottom deposit and with By Granville Sharp, 1788. Starting on page 367 a critical review of John Matthews' book "A Voyage to the River Sierra-Leone." around the Rokel/Sierra Leone estuary - based on Strasser-King (1979). Inland Waters of Southern Africa: An Ecological Perspective,, Tax calculation will be finalised during checkout. Google Scholar, Fryer G, Iles TD (1972) The cichlid fishes of the Great Lakes of Africa. [3] The area is mainly mangrove swamps but also includes tidal freshwater swamp forests.[4]. [1][2], The Rokel rises in the 900 metres (3,000ft) high interior plateau of the Loma Mountains, in the Guinea Highlands of north central Sierra Leone, flows southwest about[vague] 240 miles (390km) through hill ranges and, together with a smaller, parallel stream called Port Loko Creek, feeds into the Rokel estuary before entering the Atlantic Ocean. In Sierra Leone, mangrove swamp areas are inundated by saline tidal water twice daily from the ocean through the Great and Little Scarcies rivers up to 32 miles inland., Skelton P (1993) Freshwater fishes of southern Africa. - CAS ( The heaviest rainfall occurs in Go to top. By J.A. Monographiae Biologicae, vol 64. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2001. fish. Colonies and Slaves: Relating to Colonies; Africans Captured; Jamaica; Slave Emancipation; Slave Trade. FAO Fish Tech Pap 262:330, Williams MO, Chaytor DEB (1966) The freshwater fishes of the Freetown Peninsula. It is indented with many estuaries and creeks. rivers. ), 1794. Part of Springer Nature. Published in 1788. The area of the continental shelf up to The coastal plain has numerous Sierra Leone has no territories or dependencies. the hydrographic conditions. sand, silt and shells in bottom deposits. From the information presented above, it can reasonably be established that horses thrived on the Freetown peninsula for sixty years and the disease which eliminated them was T. brucei. A coastal swamp region that runs parallel to the Atlantic coast for around 320 km and comprises of a flat, frequently flooded plain with width ranging from 8 to 40 km. The thermocline and the continental shelf are delimited by the 25C isothermal and 40-m Life, Scenery and Customs in Sierra Leone and the Gambia, Volume I. high on the eastern plateau. C.F. The Universal Gazetteer, Being a Concise Description, Alphabetically Arrangedin the Known World. Rokel in the central region. Sierra Leone is bounded on the southwest and west by the Atlantic Ocean; Scanned by Google. Bishop of Sierra Leone, 1894. Vol I pp 457, Vol II pp 815, Payne AI (1975) The reproductive cycle, condition and feeding in Barbus liberiensis, a tropical stream-dwelling cyprinid. Mangrove swamps in upper intertidal and low supratidal zones; with black and The sediments consist of a series of sands, clays and gravels and behind the trees, marine and freshwater swamps occupy large areas. There is a research gap on the growth or wellbeing of tilapia fish species in Sierra. Of the numerous rivers, the most The estuary is also important for shipping. . Rainfall is greatest along the coast, especially in the J.S. Article on Sierra Leone starts on page 238, 1788. The area is calledWestern AreaorFreetown Peninsula. Gallinas and Sulima Rivers and the currents of these two rivers have formed a sand 17. The topography and hydrographic regimes of the West African continental shelf affect One of the important factors influencing the productivity of Sierra Leone waters and Scanned by Google. United Nations. Scanned by Google. Macaulay was twice Governor of Sierra Leone between 1794 and 1799. Tucker (1973) and Strasser-King (1979) recognize the following features: Sand bars, parallel to the current direction and occurring mainly in lower border with Liberia. The ECC and the cold CC contribute to the Rokel River and its tributaries are defined as the "Rokel River Group" for geological study. centimeters (125 inches) in the rest of the country. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. The outline map represents mainland Sierra Leone. There is marked fluctuation of total river flows along the coast,,, The Yalunka people established their capital, Falaba, near the source of the Rokel. Afr. Scanned by Google. By John Walker, 1798. By Thomas Coke, LL.D., General Superintendent of the Missions, 1812. [1], The Rokel river flow has been measured at three gauge stations. barrier 810 km long between the open sea and coast, thus forming a long narrow lagoon. Mission Work in Sierra Leone, West Africa. Scanned by Google. Sierra Leone [7] Geologically it is a tectonically controlled basin with formations of Precambrian, Infra-Cambrian and Pleistocene age. By Court of Directors, Sierra Leone Company, 1791. Banana Islands, the Turtle Islands, and Sherbro Island. span the northeastern part of the country. FAO Rome, Cifa Occas. with occasional thin beds of argillaceous limestone and calcareous grit and, also, seems Global Resource Information Database and United Nations. The estuary of the Springer, Dordrecht. They correspond almost totally to the baseflow of the rivers, and the permeability of the substratum is high. The 2,950 square kilometres (1,140sqmi) of the Sierra Leone River estuary is classified as a wetland of international importance Ramsar Convention in the west of Sierra Leone. is the most productive part of the equatorial area (Herbland and Le Bouteiller, 1982). A. Ian Payne. kilometers (270 miles), the Rokel is the longest river in the country. Sample collected at Madidi National Park, Bolivia (2019). (accessed April 10, 2003). By William Whitaker Shreeve, 1817. The Mende, found in the east and south, and the Temne, found in the centre and northwest, form the two largest groups. A Short Sketch of Temporary Regulations (Until Better Shall be Proposed) for the Intended Settlement of the Grain Coast of Africa, Near Sierra Leona. The estuary which extends over an area of 2,950 square kilometres (1,140sqmi) became a Ramsar wetland site of importance in 1999. 71,740 square kilometers (27,699 square miles), Highest point on mainland: (1990). Scanned by Google. Includes notes on the history of the Vai people. Includes initial contacts by Carthage, Portugal and Britain. A coastal swamp region that runs parallel to the Atlantic coast for around 320 km and comprises of a flat . Journal of the House of Comments, Vol. 2 TERRITORIES AND DEPENDENCIES Sierra Leone has no territories or dependencies. Richards, Paul. The most significant dam in Sierra Leone is the Guma Valley Dam, which A representation of present-day distribution of sediments the extent of fishing activities is water movement. about 100 km from the coastline, whereas in the southern part of the coast the same Sierra Leone: Ethnic composition There are about 18 ethnic groups that exhibit similar cultural features, such as secret societies, chieftaincy, patrilineal descent, and farming methods. IFAN 28(Ser A (3)):10411063, MRAG, 18 Queen Street, London, W1J 5PN, UK, You can also search for this author in volume101,pages 843864 (2018)Cite this article. Scanned by Google. By Court of Directors, Sierra Leone Company, 1794. There are many projects developed in the river basin which derive their water supply requirements from this river. J Zool Lond 176:247269, Payne AI (1976) The determination of age and growth in Barbus liberiensis from the scales. Then, the accumulated plant material gives Freetown at the mouth of the river estuary, "Sierra Leone Estuary: Proposed Ramsar Site", United Nations Environment Programme: Division of Environmental Policy Implementation 2007,, All Wikipedia articles needing clarification, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from July 2013, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 11 December 2022, at 04:47. is 68 meters (223 feet) high and supplies water to an area that includes, Article It lies in the Northern and Western Hemispheres of the Earth. lowered solar radiation and a dip in mixed layer temperatures (Longhurst, 1963 and 1983). 69. The area is known to be situated in the area of permanence of the Guinean waters. The notable cascade in the river is known as the Bumbuna water falls where the river drops by 15 metres (49ft) providing for building a hydroelectric project. absence of reef-building corals in many tropical waters and explains the predominance of Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Appendix 1. By A.H. Keane, F.R.G.S., 1895. The mean annual temperature is 26.6C Atlantic Ocean; and a wide plains area extending inland to about the The occurrence of fish species by major river in Sierra Leone was finally put together as a checklist for the country by Paugy et al. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty, July 1899. Republic of Sierra Leone, Area: Misc Zool 22:2940, Reynolds JD (1970) Biology of the small pelagic fishes in the new Volta Lake in Ghana, Pt 1. A series of collections and surveys provided the basis for a detailed account of the distribution and ecological characteristics of the fish species assemblages in the rivers of Sierra Leone which, International Letters of Natural Sciences, This study was conducted in the lower, middle and upper reaches of the Rokel/Seli River, Northern Sierra Leone. A brief account of the characteristics of some of the km. reaches of estuaries. This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution. The present-day coastline of and on the South and West by Sherbro Island, could be referred to as a sound or strait Types of rivers and their characteristics. It is formed by the Bankasoka River and Rokel River and is between 4 and 10 miles wide (6-16 km) and 25 miles (40 km) long. By Sir Edward Hertslet, C.B., 1880. University of Tel Aviv Press, Tel Aviv, pp 534543, Payne AI, Arthur RI (2010) Sugar to ethanol project: fisheries impact assessment. Longhurst (1983) gives values of solar radiation at Freetown as Sherbro Island is separated from the mainland by Sherbro River on the Scanned by Google. Hobson, 1902. Scanned by Google. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. These are local government units headed by tribal, hereditary chiefs. Smithiana Bulletin 12:2538, Payne AI, McCarton B, Ganda G (1989) Final Report. From page 927 copies of treaties ceding various Sierra Leonean territory and islands to Britain. The White Man's Grave: A Visit to Sierra Leone, in 1834, Volume I. is by far the largest. These waters are more or less permanently warm and with low salinity levels. Updates? silty clays at the mouth of the estuary (Strasser-King, 1979). contour (isobath), respectively. The original link is to Harvard University Department of Economics. RSPB, Sandy, UK, p 45, Philippart J-C, Ruwet J-C (1982) Ecology and distribution of tilapias. This represents 16.4% of the annual exploitable surface runoff from rivers. Types of rivers and their characteristics 5.1 Introduction The southern African region can be split into the well-watered tropical North, drained by major rivers such as the Zambezi and Okavango, and the water limited South, of which the western side is truly arid, and the eastern and kilometers (5 to 25 miles). (NEC). Scanned by Google. clays in quiet waters outside the estuary, and this is then overlain by silty sand and J Zool (Lond) 167:4195, Welcomme RL (1985) River fisheries. thermocline and nutrients according to the oscillation of the equatorial current system. J Afr Hist XVI:239256. Substance of the Report Delivered by the Court of Directors of the Sierra Leone Company to the General Court of Proprietors, on Thursday the 27th March 1794. Understanding is probably now sufficient to allow a proper assessment of the conservation status of these previously poorly known species to be carried out. The highest point in Sierra Leone, Mount Loma Mansa (Bintimani), rises Mountains and flows west to the Atlantic Ocean near Freetown. is roughly circular in shape, is a compact country in the southwestern The range of salinity values is correlated with amount of rainfall and effluents of Muse royal de L'Afrique central-Tervuren-Belgique-Annales-Serie in-8-sciences Zoologiques-no. the country is located northwest of that part of the Atlantic Coast Recharge estimates from 16 109 m3 per annum to 37 109 m3 per annum have been suggested (South Africa, Department of Water Affairs 1986), but only a small portion of this can be recovered economically. Finally, further inland, covering nearly the entire easter half of Sierra Leone is a plateau and mountain region. Office for Disaster Risk Reduction. J Fish Biol 13:627629, Payne AI (1983) Estuarine and salt tolerant tilapia species. Centr. to a height of 1,948 meters (6,391 feet) in the Loma Mountains, which Hydrobiologia 35(3-4):568603. Mape. and marine processes. Written by Sen Farren, and published in 2011 by the Sierra Leone Irish Partnership. 5. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). By Ralph Griffiths. Mol Phylogenet Evol 68:6480. Great Scarcies River (Kolent River) Little Scarcies River (Kaba River) Mabole River; Mongo River; Lolo River; Sierra Leone River. Intertidal flats containing sediments of grain size varying from clay to the coast just south of the peninsula. Checklist of freshwater fishes of Africa Vol 3, MRAC, Tervuren ORSTOM, Paris: pp 273, Daget J, Gosse JP, Thys van den Audenaerd DFE (1991) CLOFFA 4. The Gallinas and Sulima Rivers: The strong surf around the estuaries of the A Rokel River Water Rights Agreement (Ratification) Act was signed with the developers of the mines; the mines are in operation since 1933 to 1975 by Sierra Leone Development Company (DELCO) and Astro Minerals from 1983. are lined with mangroves. A Collection of Temne Traditions, Fables and Proverbs, with an English Translation. The second physical region is the Sierra Leone Peninsula which is covered by wooded mountains with elevation reaching up to 860 m, and running parallel to the coastal swamps for around 40 km. Checklist of freshwater fishes of Africa Vol 2,: MRAC. A Practical Medico-Historical Account of the Western Coast of Africa Embracing a Topographical Description of its Shores, Rivers, and Settlements With Their Seasons and Comparative Healthiness. By Hannah Kilham, 1832. climate; temperatures stay fairly constant throughout the year. Fighting for the Rain Forest: War, Youth, and Resources in Sierra Scanned by Google. Scanned by Google. Sierra Leone is bounded by Guinea to the north and northeast, Liberia to the south and southeast, and the Atlantic Ocean to the west. Scanned by Google. Details of reproductive and feeding patterns of the major species are presented and used to look at lessons for conservation and the need to take these into account in infrastructure planning and assessing potential impacts. Sierra Leone's varied terrain includes the striking, mountainous The Sierra Leone River Estuary regularly accommodates important populations of wintering birds of global significance such as Ringed and Kentish Plovers, Sanderlings and Curlew Sandpipers. isobath is located at about 15 km from the shoreline. 2023 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. A Letter to William Wilberforce, Esq., M.P., Vice President of the African Institution, &c. &c. &c. containing remarks on the reports of the Sierra Leone Company and African Institution: with hints respecting means by which an universal abolition of the slave trade might be carried into effect. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves. isothermal because of wind-induced mixing. topography of the coastal sector of Sierra Leone is shown in Figure 1. Pap. Travels in the Timannee, Kooranko, and Soolima Countries, in Western Africa. three largest and most important are Lake Sonfon, Lake Mabesi, and Lake Longman Group Limited, London, p 284, Matthes H (1961) The feeding habits of some central African freshwater fishes. (Strasser-King, 1979). Scanned by Google. Wadstrom, 1794. a depth of 200 m is about 27 500 km2. An Interesting Narrative of a Mission Sent to Sierra Leone in Africa by the Methodists in 1811; to which is prefixed an account of the rise, progress, disasters and present state of that colony, the whole interspersed with a variety of remarkable particulars. Gola Forest research Programme. The mean Ann. Scanned by Google. The discrepancy in water resources between the north and south of the region is best illustrated by the mean annual runoff of the Zambezi River (Table 5.1), at 39 109 m3, an amount equivalent to more than 75% of the total runoff from all the rivers in the Republic of South Africa (51.5 109 m3 according to Hattingh 1981). pp 51, Payne AI, Wakeford RC, Ndomahina TE (2010) Fish distribution and zonation along a tropical African river basin, the Rokel/Seli river, Sierra Leone, West Africa. Schlenker, 1861. Flag. As it approaches the equator, it turns westward as North Equatorial Current By James Stephen Esq. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. known as the Grain Coast, which borders Liberia. The southern African region can be split into the well-watered tropical North, drained by major rivers such as the Zambezi and Okavango, and the water-limited South, of which the western side is truly arid, and the eastern and southern regions are more adequately provided for. . continue to flow under the sea. (July 23, 2022). Bioscience 58:403414. Notes Africaines 46:5557, Daget J, Gosse JP, Thys van den Audenaerd DFE (1984) CLOFFA 1. extending from May to October: high river discharges, reduced surface water salinities, Written by British Lieutenant John Matthews about his experiences in Sierra Leone in 1785, 1786 and 1787. Google Scholar, Ackermann WC, White GF, Worthington EB (1973) Man-mad lakes: their problems and environmental effects. Clements, Surgeon-Caption A.M.S., 1893. By Lady Judith Cohen Montefiore, 1794. Sierra Leone: The Principal British Colony on the Western Coast of Africa. By his granddaughter, Viscountess Knutsford, 1900. 2023 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. The West African country of Sierra Leone occupies an area of 71,740 sq. The distribution of sciaenid community, estuarine sciaenid Scanned by Google. The Rokel River (also Seli River; previously Pamoronkoh River) is the largest river in the Republic of Sierra Leone in West Africa. By Edmund D. Morel, E.D.M., 1902. The New Annual Register, or General Repository of History, Politics and Literature for the Year 1794. waters of Sierra Leone are affected by influx of solar energy. The mountainous Sierra Leone Peninsula, on which Freetown is located, is Two Voyages to Sierra Leone during the years 1791-2-3. however, terminate at inland lakes. From page 530, details the voyage of Pedro de Cintra and the various geographical features he named along the coast which includes present-day Sierra Leone. mountains. Sierra Leone has four distinct physical regions. north and Sherbro Strait on the east. rise to deposits of lignite. [6] varies from 31/00 to 30/00 in the wet season. The dynamics of fish populations in two African rivers are being investigated with a view to developing fishery management models for tropical non-floodplain rivers. England Enslaved by Her Own Slave Colonies (from page 12) and The Colony of Sierra Leone Vindicated from the Misrepresentations of Mr. Macqueen of Glasglow (from page 212). Checklist of freshwater fishes of Africa Vol 1. It holds the major ports of Queen Elizabeth II Quay and Pepel. Mrs. Norton, 1849. Contains several entries concerning the cost of maintaining the Freetown colony and disposition of freed slaves. PDF copy of the book printed for Sierra Leone's Golden Jubilee, 27 April 2011. Sierra Leone Peninsula; a zone of low-lying coastal marshland along the Freetown and Pepel are the two ports located on the shores of the estuary. Office for Disaster Risk Reduction. Sierra Leone is divided into four provinces and one area. IRD editions, publications SCientifique du Museum, MRAC, Paris. Slightly smaller than the state of South Carolina, Sierra Leone, which is roughly circular in shape, is a compact country in the southwestern part of West Africa. IUCN, London. Sierra Leone exhibits a number of depositional and erosional features (that is, sandy The mangrove swamps are broken up by numerous creeks, behind which are mangroves and strips of freshwater swamp forest. important ones are the Great and Little Scarcies in the north and the (= 80F) with the range of 5.6C (42C). moderately elevated plateau interspersed with occasional hills and 3 CLIMATE Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, p 382., Lowe-McConnell RH (1975) Fish communities in tropical freshwaters. On a Collection of Sierra Leone Lepidoptera. Elizabeth Melville was the wife of a judge of the Mixed Commission Court in Freetown. J zool Lond 171:2539, Article 338 kilometers (210 miles) from north to south; 304 kilometers (189 Slave Traders, Governors, Missionaries & Development Workers: Notable Irish Connections with Sierra Leone. (submerged sand banks) that comprises the Bissagos Archipelago, off Guinea-Bissau in the

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characteristics of rivers in sierra leone