dr rhonda patrick supplements

Related to curcumin, Rhonda discussed the herb its derived from, Turmeric, in an Instagram post (link). Additionally, Rhondas interest was piqued by a study showing that in 26 healthy females who displayed visible signs of natural and photoaging in the face, daily supplementation with 1 gram of collagen powder for 12 weeks led to a 76% reduction of skin dryness/scaling and a 13% decrease in global lines and wrinkles. Chromadex also produce Nicotinamide Riboside under their own brand; called Tru Niagen. This coupon code gives 10% off orders, in case thats of use. WebABOUT RHONDA PATRICK. Rhonda continues to take a curcumin phytosome supplement, sometimes known as Meriva, for its anti-inflammatory effects. Her work is heavily concentrated on aging, nutrition, and, most importantly, cancer prevention. Broq is manufactured by the same company as Prostaphane, for the US market. See Rhondas Instagram post on collagen for more info. In a Tim Ferriss interview Rhonda recommended that you check if the supplement brand youre looking to buy is certified by the NSF (National Sanitary Foundation). | 2015 | Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. This has greater bio-availability than sulforaphane glucosinolate, which is used in a lot of sulforaphane supplements, including Avmacol. With a score of 8% or greater being correlated with better health outcomes55The Omega-3 Index: Clinical Utility for Therapeutic Intervention | William Harris | 2010 | Current Cardiology Reports. As a guideline, below is the list of brands that Rhonda often uses (either currently, or in the past): Then separately, Rhonda has discussed using Labdoor and Consumer Lab in order to check products for contaminants such as heavy metals. However, for people who dont exercise, then the use of metformin may warrant further inspection. However in a federal lawsuit that concluded in 2019, VSL Inc. were found liable for false advertising related to the composition and clinical history of the new VSL #3 formula. However whilst pregnant, Rhonda stopped taking any non-essential supplements (including Nicotinamide Riboside) that could pose even the slightest risk to her child. WebDr. Rhonda was previously using a low dose melatonin supplement (300 mcg by Life Extension), based on this research by MIT. Below well look at the micronutrient contents of the two multivitamins Rhonda alternates between: Its worth noting that the US version of ONE is formulated slightly differently to the UK version. Dr. Rhonda Patrick retains a Ph.D. in biomedical science and has done her undergraduate studies in biochemistry. Below are a couple of algae based omega-3s, so you can see their cost per gram of EPA & DHAs: ^ Rhonda recently interviewed Omega-3 expert Dr Bill Harris (link). Prior to this she was taking a herring roe extract made by Nordic Naturals, and before that, Krill oil. When that task is satisfied, then the level of K1 increases in the blood, and helps to transport calcium for use around the body. Calcium is important, but is better sourced from the diet, as calcium supplements have been associated with cardiovascular disease, This aligns with research showing that vegetarians and vegans have lower levels of EPA & DHA compared to those who eat fish, Approximately 5,000 IU per day in winter, and 2,000 IU in summer, In addition to the 2,000 IU per day in her multivitamin. Its also worth noting that her Luteolin supplement, discussed below, contains a calcium ascorbate blend of vitamin C that results in 68 mg of additional vitamin C. Lutein and Zeaxanthin are yellow and orange pigments, also known as carotenoids, that are found in fruit and vegetables. Thorne contains magnesium, copper, calcium and gamma tocopherol, whilst ONE does not. In recent years its become popular amongst biohackers looking to extend their healthspan + lifespan. However, it turns out the new formulation of VSL #3 differs significantly from the old one83P884 No shared mechanisms among old and new VSL#3: Implications for claims and guidelines C De Simone (2018), and thus should be treated with caution at minimum, and at maximum, avoided. Below summarizes the details: VSL #3 was originally created by Professor Claudio De Simone, and produced by VSL Inc. All the clinical studies before 2016 were performed on the original formula of VSL#3. In a non supplemented vegetarian/vegan diet, the primary source of omega-3 fatty acids comes from alpha linolenic acid (ALA), which is found in various plants (particularly flaxseed). Apparently it uses Kaneka brand ubiquinol, which is also used by NOW Ubiquinol 200 mg and Jarrow Ubiquinol 200 mg who charge less for it. Whilst Rhondas goal is to get her micronutrients from her diet, taking a multivitamin avoids risk of a short fall if her diet doesnt provide 100% of needs. Due to the amount of magnesium needed in supplements, it isnt really practical for multivitamins to cover it. Rhondas a big proponent of the benefits of sulforpahane and has talked about it a lot. **Heavy metals will never be zero, but "Passed" in this context means that it passed the IFOS tests and is low enough to not be of concern. WebDr. Its a sulfur-rich compound frequently found in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, bok choy, and cabbage. It contains an isothiocynate with very similar properties to sulforaphane, called Moringin. @foundmyfitness. Please note that where I link to products, some of these links are affiliate links. Patrick is an advocate of nutrigenomics, meaning she bases her food intake on her individual genetic needs. (2008)82Probiotics: progress toward novel therapies for intestinal diseases Yan et al. Seeing as her education is fully entrenched in bioscience studies, it is no surprise that she is a good authority on supplements. According to Rhonda, omega-3 phospholipids are found in fish, and in greatest concentration in fish roe (fish eggs). (2017). Webrhonda patrick fish oil huberman. Rhonda personally opts to get her omega-3s from fish oil, due to its high levels of EPA & DHA per gram. In an Instagram post (link) Rhonda mentions studies have shown that many cocoa products have high levels of cadmium and lead71Cadmium and lead in cocoa powder and chocolate products in the US Market Abt et al (2017). Vitamin K2 Vitamin K comes in two forms: K1 and K2. She currently uses a blend of vitamin D3, vitamin K1 and calcium. So far weve discussed Rhondas morning supplements. ---Medical DisclaimerAffiliate DisclosurePrivacy Policy. Rhonda cites 3 potential benefits of cocoa flavanols: See the studies Rhonda mentions in regard to enhanced circulation: Then studies in regards to enhanced cognition: Then lastly, a Korean study showed 320mg of cocoa daily reduced wrinkles and increased skin elasticity (measured after 24 weeks)70Cocoa Flavanol Supplementation Influences Skin Conditions of Photo-Aged Women: A 24-Week Double-Blind, Randomized, Controlled Trial Chung et al. Note that she lives in San Diego, which is close to the equator and a sunny place in general. Clinical strength, requires refrigeration. Every time she would bring up one of her topics, Joe would clearly interrupt and detour the question trying to bring up a counter argument, which honestly didn't go with the topic, before letting her finish her thought. She also has a list of a few supplements she takes daily, including Vitamin D3, Vitamin K2, Fish Oil, Omega-3 Phospholipids, and Magnesium, to name a few. Research in cell lines (in-vitro) and animal models suggests it may: Rhonda is currently using a product called Autophagy Renew by Life Extension, which provides 165mg of Luteolin per capsule. In her Dec 2019 Q&A discussion, she discussed Resveratrol, saying that she doesnt take it currently, but is considering taking it. Rhondas Dosage: 2 tablets (20 mg total) of BROQ each morning, after a meal. WebRhonda Patrick Daily Supplements Multivitamin: Pure Encapsulations O.N.E. If interested, you can view the change log here. - Drug Genius Rhondas early mentor, Bruce Ames, researched what happens when our bodies have insufficient levels of micronutrients, and found that our bodies prioritize the scarce nutrients for functions related to survival and reproduction. Dr. Rhonda Patrick on Children Supplementation There are several supplements that Rhonda points out to be crucial in a childs development. As mentioned above, for more details on Rhondas use of sulforaphane see this separate post. As of Rhondas January 2023 Q&A she is still takin CocoaVia. Additionally, an 18% increase in the content of haemoglobin was found in the skin dermis suggesting improved microcirculation (study source). You can instead skip to the next section Rhondas Method for Choosing Supplement Brands. For Zeaxanthin, according to this paper63Zeaxanthin: Review of Toxicological Data and Acceptable Daily Intake James Edwards | 2016 | Journal of Ophthalmology, the EU put an upper use level of 2 mg / day. Rhonda takes an additional 3 grams of fish oil in the evening, for a total of 6 grams. I'm putting out an episode that covers all this soon! Unfortunately this particular product she uses, Norwegian PURE-3, has had inventory issues for some time and is unavailable for order. Whilst supplementing omega-3s is a daily occurrence for Rhonda, she also adds salmon roe caviar a few times per week. Rhonda mentioned in her Feb 2021 Q&A she takes melatonin by Pure Encapsulations possibly Pure Encapsulations Melatonin 3mg. So by exercising, and taking a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agent afterwards, you block the effects of IL-6 Theres been studies showing taking high dose antioxidants (like vitamin C) suppressed the insulin sensitivity effects of exercise, possibly by suppressing IL-6 When you exercise, IL-6 rises briefly, but over time your base levels She didnt mention the frequency, whether its daily or every few days. Rhondas Pregnancy, Breastfeeding & Toddler Supplements. See this detailed post for the details on which supplements Rhonda took during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Rhonda notes that her multivitamin doesnt contain Magnesium, therefore she adds it separately. However, now Rhonda only takes Visbiome after drinking alcohol. Rhonda opts for the sachets which contain 4x as many live bacteria. This is becausemagnesium composes part of the chlorophyll molecule, the green pigment in plants that helps absorb light. Approximately 1/2 the US population are thought to be deficient in magnesium74Suboptimal magnesium status in the United States: are the health consequences underestimated? Rhonda currently takes between 6 grams daily. In this next section well look at the supplements Rhonda takes in the evenings. Rhondas keen interest in omega-3 phospholipids stems from having 1 ApoE4 allele in her DNA. 3 grams of their high EPA product in the morning and 3 grams of their high EPA product in the evening. So far weve covered supplements that Rhonda has said she takes on a daily basis. For many of the vitamins and minerals they both contain, such as all the B vitamins, Thornes supplement contains higher daily doses. This section covers supplements that Rhonda has previously taken but isnt currently. A randomized controlled trial showed that a bioavailable form of curcumin improved memory in older people with mild memory complaints. For a detailed breakdown of what else this article covers, see the table of contents below: This section covers the supplements Rhonda takes in the morning. Intake of other supplements did not have an effect on sperm or sex hormones. This explains, she says, why most studies of fish oil supplements indicate no benefit, yet fish in the diet does show benefit. A source thats particularly high in K2 are fermented soya beans, also known as natto in Japan. She describes ubiquinol as playing an important role in mitochondrial energy production. We know that good sleep is absolutely crucial to overall health, so if we can supplement melatonin and measure a noticeable positive impact on sleep, thats a big (easy) win. De-prioritizing other functions, such as those that could aid in longevity. As of yet, Rhonda hasnt come back to taking Nicotinamide Riboside, and has said she is waiting for more human research to be completed. In her June Q&A she mentions using both Great Lakes Collagen and Vital Proteins Collagen. MK7 has a longer half-life, but MK4 is more studied. She consumes it by adding it to her smoothies, coffee and sometimes tea. Saying that if she had to take antibiotics for some reason, then she would take Visbiome probiotics after, in order to replenish the healthy gut bacteria. She has a micronutrient-rich green smoothie every morning Whereas the Thorne multivitamin contains 140 mcg of Lutein and zero Zeaxanthin. Its important to note that Rhonda has no affiliation with any of the brands mentioned instead she uses them because her research, or her colleagues research, suggest they are good. Most recently Rhonda is taking a supplement called called, Previously she had supplemented it individually, via, Improvements to skin (decreased wrinkles and increased skin elasticity), Dark chocolate (85% cocoa), but not milk chocolate (35% cocoa), improved walking ability in elderly patients with peripheral artery disease, Increased endurance performance in young male cyclists who consumed dark chocolate showing a performance increase of 17% vs consuming white chocolate, Cocoa consumption decreased blood pressure in healthy individuals, in a dose dependent manner, Increased cognition in young adults, measured via a cognitively demanding test, Protection from cognitive decline in the elderly, Adding moringa powder to room temperature water at ratio of 1:100 powder to water, Leaving to stand for at least 10 minutes prior to drinking. ZMA supplements contain zinc and magnesium aspartate and B6. Vitamin C is an essential micronutrient, well known for its antioxidant properties. 135 mg is only around 38% of the NIH RDA (350 mg), as she aims to get the majority of magnesium from her diet. Its estimated that around 25% of the population have at least 1 ApoE4 allele. For more on David Sinclair and the supplements he takes, including Resveratrol and NMN, see this separate post. Vitamin K is an essential micronutrient, thats plays a crucial role in the ability to form blood clots, and to transport calcium around the body. If youre looking for further Rhonda Patrick related content, below are some related posts Ive written: For those curious, see this post for a log of the main updates over time. For example, probiotics can help regulate the innate and adaptive immune responses by modulating the functions of dendritic cells, macrophages, and T and B lymphocytes81Mechanisms of probiotic action: Implications for therapeutic applications in inflammatory bowel diseases Vanderpool et al. Dr Rhonda Patrick Supplements List (2022) | Longevity & Health! This transport system appears to continue to work even when regular DHA transport is impaired. WebSulforaphane, an isothiocyanate compound, is the most potent naturally-occurring inducer of the body's key detoxification enzymes. Firstly, this crowd sponsored support allows her to continue to work independently, without being reliant on sponsors or grants. Note: since having her son she has less time for growing broccoli sprouts. Rhonda supplements 10 mg of Lutein and 2 mg of Zeaxanthin daily, via a product called Pure Encapsulations Lutein & Zeaxanthin. Thornes contains much less lutein and. 301. Patrick Savage. Luteolin: A Flavonoid that Has Multiple Cardio-Protective Effects and Its Molecular Mechanisms, Luteolin suppresses inflammation-associated gene expression by blocking NF-B and AP-1 activation pathway in mouse alveolar macrophages, Luteolin Promotes Cell Apoptosis by Inducing Autophagy in Hepatocellular Carcinoma, Dietary pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) alters indicators of inflammation and mitochondrial-related metabolism in human subjects, Effect of the Antioxidant Supplement Pyrroloquinoline Quinone Disodium Salt (BioPQQ) on Cognitive Functions, Add-on Treatment with Curcumin Has Antidepressive Effects in Thai Patients with Major Depression: Results of a Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Study, Pure Encapsulations Phosphatidylcholine, Mechanisms of probiotic action: Implications for therapeutic applications in inflammatory bowel diseases, Probiotics: progress toward novel therapies for intestinal diseases, P884 No shared mechanisms among old and new VSL#3: Implications for claims and guidelines, Mfsd2a is a transporter for the essential omega-3 fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid, Effects of Resveratrol on Memory Performance, Hippocampal Functional Connectivity, and Glucose Metabolism in Healthy Older Adults, Resveratrol regulates neuro-inflammation and induces adaptive immunity in Alzheimers disease, Resveratrol blunts the positive effects of exercise training on cardiovascular health in aged men, Resveratrol Enhances Exercise-Induced Cellular and Functional Adaptations of Skeletal Muscle in Older Men and Women, Reduction in the Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes with Lifestyle Intervention or Metformin, Metformin blunts muscle hypertrophy in response to progressive resistance exercise training in older adults: A randomized, doubleblind, placebocontrolled, multicenter trial: The MASTERS trial, Metformin inhibits mitochondrial adaptations to aerobic exercise training in older adults, Andrew Huberman Supplements Full List Deep Dive Into What & Why, Rhonda Patrick Supplements List Updated February 2023, Peter Attia Supplements List What He Takes & Why, David Sinclair Supplements List Deep Dive into What & Why (2023), Andrew Huberman Diet and Routine What He Eats & Why. No specific brands mentioned A multivitamin to fill in the gaps in her diet Vitamin D Make sure to measure your levels before and after supplementing to make sure youre nearing the optimal range (30-60 ng/mL) Fish oil (in these Podcast Notes, Rhonda recommended this brand) In essence, it measures the omega-3 fatty acids in your red blood cells, expressed as a percentage of the total fatty acids. To her knowledge the subscriber didnt receive a reply containing data to allay this potential concern. Rhonda suggests that melatonin can be useful as we age (particularly for those 50+), because over time our natural production decreases. Its worth clarifying which fish oil supplements Rhonda isnt taking anymore for avoidance of confusion. It contains a phospholipid form of omega-3 that has additional benefits (read more below). The Life Extension version comes in the disodium salt form that was used in the above study. (2016). The latter (amyloid plaques and tau tangles) affect optimal brain function, and are hallmarks of Alzheimers disease. She says her interest in resveratrol stems mainly from preliminary clinical trials showing positive benefits in cognition for older and cognitively impaired adults, including: Her current reservation is around a study that showed 250mg/day of resveratrol blunted the positive effects of exercise88Resveratrol blunts the positive effects of exercise training on cardiovascular health in aged men Gliemann et al (2013). Rhondas current hypothesis for why is that at lower doses resveratrol may act as a mild antioxidant, which then blunts the positive effects of exercise (similar to high dose Vitamin E). When it comes to vitamins and minerals, there are established guidelines for daily consumption, however with other compounds the guidelines are less established. Espaol . Of course, more isnt always better. This was in part backed up by a study84P884 No shared mechanisms among old and new VSL#3: Implications for claims and guidelines C De Simone (2018) performed by De Simone, showing that the new VSL#3 formula was materially different to the old one. It comes in 2 different forms, vitamin K1 (phylloquinone) and K2 (menaquinone). Rhonda wanted to go over her topics and clear up misinformation, but Joe wouldn't let her. She is one of Central Examples of stand-alone vitamin D supplements include: Rhonda currently supplements vitamin K on the basis that its an insurance policy, in case she doesnt get enough K from vegetables. ApoE4 increases Alzheimers risk between 2-3x if youve 1 allele and 15x with 2 alleles. The version Rhondas taking (ubiquinol) is proposed to be more bio-available than ubiquinone64Increased Bioavailability of Ubiquinol Compared to Ubiquinone Aoki et al. Her original interest was inspired by a study that showed peptides in collagen actually make it intact to cartilage, which suggests its beneficial for joint health (source). Below well look at supplements Rhonda used during her pregnancy (a section which, of course, wont be applicable to all). He notes in their FAQs that excessive sunlight or heat after harvest will rapidly degrade some of the phytochemicals and vitamins of interest in the leaves so its worth caution when sourcing. Noting it also doubles as a (weak) alternative to painkillers. CoQ10 comes in two common forms; ubiquinone (the oxidized form) and ubiquinol (the reduced form). When asked in members Q&A #36 which choline supplement she likes, she specifically named Pure Encapsulations Phosphatidylcholine. Her ONE multivitamin already (2010). Probiotics: VSL#3 Sachets. Her brand of choice is Thorne Vitamin D3. The multivitamin Rhonda takes lacks magnesium. As such, she has to supplement it separately. She takes Pure Encapsulations Magnesium Glycinate. Rhonda believes that most of her magnesium should come from her diet and not supplementation. We produce melatonin as the sun sets and night sets in, and we reduce production as the sun rises and our body preps for wakefulness. Rhonda has a comprehensive topic page which covers many details on vitamin C. She currently takes it via a supplement called Pure Encapsulations Ester C, which includes 619 mg per 1 capsule serving. Find Dr. Harmon's phone number, address, insurance information, hospital affiliations and more. Rhonda Harmon is a General Surgeon in Apopka, FL. However, the omega-3s EPA & DHA are also important to humans, so relying on ALA solely has a few issues: The good news is that research shows algae based omega-3s will raise EPA & DHA levels in vegans, even at relatively low dose53Blood docosahexaenoic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid in vegans: Associations with age and gender and effects of an algal-derived omega-3 fatty acid supplement Sarter et al. Then, if she wants an extra boost, she will make the nootropic drink. The takeaway is that APOE4s aren't as able to get DHA where it needs to go unless the DHA is in phospholipid form. So, if you see leafy green vegetables, you know youll be able to get some of the bound-up magnesium from it. You may already be familiar with a supplement called CoenzymeQ10. Rhonda Patricks top pick Rhondas current probiotic comes from Visbiome. Its available in powder and capsule form, with Rhonda preferring the powder with 450 billion live bacteria per packet. This product arrives with a cold pack to maintain its potency. Dosage Promote autophagy, which is the cleaning up of cellular junk, Ground Turmeric as a Source of Lead Exposure in the United States , Lead chromate pigments added to turmeric threaten public health across Bangladesh . With extensive experience in marketing, analytics, business operations, finance, and large-scale operations, Patrick founded BodyLogicMD in 2003 The aspect of melatonin production decreasing with age is important (see this study for more discussion). Of course, its worth noting that the amount of cocoa in regular chocolate is low so you want to be consuming high cacao content products to receive these benefits. So where does the vitamin K2 supplementation come in? Rhondas Method for Choosing Supplement Brands, Associations of dietary calcium intake and calcium supplementation with myocardial infarction and stroke risk and overall cardiovascular mortality in the Heidelberg cohort of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition study (EPIC-Heidelberg), Calcium Intake From Diet and Supplements and the Risk of Coronary Artery Calcification and its Progression Among Older Adults: 10Year Followup of the MultiEthnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA), Omega-3: A Link between Global Climate Change and Human Health, Metabolism of -linolenic acid in humans, Blood docosahexaenoic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid in vegans: Associations with age and gender and effects of an algal-derived omega-3 fatty acid supplement, Blood n-3 fatty acid levels and total and cause-specific mortality from 17 prospective studies, The Omega-3 Index: Clinical Utility for Therapeutic Intervention, Vitamin D: A Micronutrient Regulating Genes, Vegetables and Mixed Dishes Are Top Contributors to Phylloquinone Intake in US Adults: Data from the 2011-2012 NHANES, Circulating uncarboxylated matrix Gla protein, a marker of vitamin K status, as a risk factor of cardiovascular disease, The relationship between vitamin K and peripheral arterial disease, Lutein and Zeaxanthin and Their Roles in Age-Related Macular Degeneration, Lutein and Zeaxanthin Supplementation and Association With Visual Function in Age-Related Macular Degeneration, Dietary guidance for lutein: consideration for intake recommendations is scientifically supported, Zeaxanthin: Review of Toxicological Data and Acceptable Daily Intake, Increased Bioavailability of Ubiquinol Compared to Ubiquinone, Dark Chocolate Acutely Improves Walking Autonomy in Patients With Peripheral Artery Disease, Dark chocolate supplementation reduces the oxygen cost of moderate intensity cycling, Cocoa consumption dose-dependently improves flow-mediated dilation and arterial stiffness decreasing blood pressure in healthy individuals, The effect of flavanol-rich cocoa on the fMRI response to a cognitive task in healthy young people, Benefits in cognitive function, blood pressure, and insulin resistance through cocoa flavanol consumption in elderly subjects with mild cognitive impairment: the Cocoa, Cognition, and Aging (CoCoA) study, Cocoa Flavanol Supplementation Influences Skin Conditions of Photo-Aged Women: A 24-Week Double-Blind, Randomized, Controlled Trial, Cadmium and lead in cocoa powder and chocolate products in the US Market, Cocoa flavanol consumption improves cognitive function, blood pressure control, and metabolic profile in elderly subjects: the Cocoa, Cognition, and Aging (CoCoA) Studya randomized controlled trial, Enhancing dentate gyrus function with dietary flavanols improves cognition in older adults. However, it suggests that higher intakes are safe, for example with a human intervention study using 20 mg / day of Zeaxanthin, for 6 months, showing no adverse affects. In addition, the supplement also has 50 mg of quercetin and 100 mg of rutin both flavonoids with potential health benefits. At one stage she was taking Visbiome probiotics every few weeks, to top up her healthy gut bacteria. Webdr rhonda patrick vitamin d joe rogan.

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dr rhonda patrick supplements