what does killua mean

He examines the boulder dug by Biscuit, declaring it to be big enough for his plan. Seeing that multiple members have already fulfilled Countdown's conditions, Killua plans to extort more cards from them, but Gon tells them how to cancel the ability for free. [91], Gon and Killua are then taken to the Phantom Troupe's hideout and chained. [76] They finally get through to Kurapika. [11] They meet a fellow fighter, a young boy named Zushi, and his teacher, Wing. He switches with Gon, criticizing him when he bumps his head on the ceiling while jumping too high. [120] He then follows the Kiriko's directions and arrives at the exam site, where he fails to recognize the Amori Brothers and others who took the previous Hunter Exam with him. [208], Immense Speed and Reflexes: Killua is extremely quick on his feet. Gon enquires why Killua wants to be a Hunter. Killua is one of 7 civil parishes in the barony of Delvin in the Province of Leinster. [83], Killua and Leorio leave the table after Gon asks Kurapika to point a Nen blade at his heart, but return clandestinely and eavesdrop on his explanation, making themselves manifest when Kurapika seems to be about to go along with Gon's request, and demand he does the same to them. Leorio berates him for using a skateboard in an endurance test, but Gon points out that Satotz only told them to follow him. He is a very emotionally gripping . He has a very feline like appearance with eyes resembling that of a cat. [238] After she awakens, Killua tells her that his friend is sick and wants to make him feel better. Alluka goes into her wish-granting mode to heal Gon[239] and Killua asks Nanika to restore Gon back to normal. He has an excellent sense of balance, as seen when he was shown standing with nonchalance on the back of a horse,[157] and exceptional coordination. He invites them to join his alliance, claiming to have a surefire, non-violent method to clear the game. At Killua's suggestion, the two butlers set up eight blimps. They prepare for combat, but, instead of engaging Nobunaga, they each kick a hole in a lateral wall. 3", Killua asks the referee for clarifications regarding the "Back" freebie, determining they must take Razor out last. [122] His fighting style, which is extremely versatile, aims at dealing the maximum amount of damage in the shortest time possible, striking critical points and making ample use of lightning-fast submission holds to incapacitate or kill the opponent. [94] When they are about to board a blimp, Hisoka appears and threatens to kill Gon and Killua if he does not get to fight Chrollo. They decide the order of entrance into the game through rock-paper-scissors, with Gon placing 1st and Killua 17th. [153] The next day Kite introduces Gon and Killua to his his group of fellow researchers. She tries to stab him in the head with a kitchen knife, but he easily dodges it. This ends up putting him up against Gittarackur, who removes his needles and reveals himself to be Killua's older brother Illumi. Through Colt, the Extermination Team learns that the "Selection" will take place in ten days. When he demands it again more forcefully, Nanika, crying, retreats into Aluka. Melody notices Killua's quiet footsteps and asks if he is an assassin, which he confirms. [145] After five more days, he and Biscuit tell Gon to stop his Emission training since he has made no progress. In return, the villagers give them a "Wild Luck Alexandrite". He notices that Gon struggles for real against a young woman. He has Leorio get it for them and asks Gon how he knew it was a valuable object. Killua is thus declared winner by withdrawal. 13" as well as to force Razor to use up his freebie. Killua tells Hishita to drive them to the hospital but suddenly Needle People appear and surround the car. Netero explains that the number of matches at one's disposal reflects their scores, which befuddles Killua, who demands to know more about the scoring system. He wore a hoodie with his trademark blue coloring, grey pants, and shoes. [31], The Fourth Phase is a manhunt on Zevil Island, wherein the 25 remaining competitors are required to target and acquire their prey's tag. After paying a fee they learn that Greed Island was created by Nen users, that players are transported into it, and that seven copies will be auctioned off in Yorknew City. After that, the tape begins rewinding itself and the stereo records over it. He repels the hands with his yo-yos when Shoot suddenly appears next to him. His explanation, however, is incomprehensible to them. [12] At around 8:10 p.m. they exit the elevator, but a wall of bloodlust prevents them from walking down the hallway to the registration desk. [208] As impressive as Killua's attack and movement speed, if not even more so, are his reactions: he can dodge a bullet moving at extreme velocity even if it is fired within 57 cm of his body. Killua tears up by his side, vowing to watch over him for the 30 days in which he will be unable to use Nen due to Knuckle's Hakoware, after which he wants to part ways with him. The next morning, the three share breakfast and Knuckle allows Gon and Killua to challenge him as many times as they want in the remaining 20 days. Nanika asks Killua for a pat on the head, but he tells it not to come out anymore. The next thing of note Killua does is a sick kickflip because Gon says he's 12. [228], Gon is taken to the hospital in Swardani City where Morel and Shoot are also recovering. [17] Halfway up the stairs, Gon and Killua reach the front of the group, with Killua claiming the reason is the slow pace. Wanting to find out more about it, he proclaims he and Gon are shooting for the top. Killua is fairly lean at the start of the series, due to constant physical conditioning and torture training he received when he was young. After a week of training, they head to the lighthouse, having recruited six more players to reach the required number. During their duel, he goaded Sub into striking him in a certain way by pretending to have an imperfect guard. He assures the teacher Gon is not going to break his promise a second time. After Killua verifies that the Spiders have put no bounties on their heads, Gon tells him his plan[94] to be hired by Battera as players instead of trying to purchase the game,[96] which Killua estimates to be likely to succeed. The increase in tension between the Spiders causes Gon, Killua, and Leorio to tense up. He is nicknamed "Kil" or "Killu" by his family. His favorite snack is chocolate, specifically Chocolate Balls and Chocolate Robots. While his friend is in a deep coma and his condition deteriorates each passing minute, Killua sits outside of the room, looking at him through a window. Shortly afterward, Kurapika calls Gon to let him know several Phantom Troupe members are dead. He then asks his son about the Hunter Exam, the people he met, how he felt, and more. This skill came in handy against the Ortho siblings, when he recognized the rules the brother was playing with. When Terpsichora manipulates the Royal Guard's corpse, Killua intervenes just in time to prevent Gon from being killed, although his friend still loses his right arm. [121] Killua is particularly skilled at finding patterns in the fighting style of his adversary and at figuring out their weak spots, and at using them to exploit or create openings. [166] While Gon can release a bigger amount of aura, Killua is generally hailed as the one with the best control, to the point that by the time he confronted Razor he was already capable of distributing his aura with a margin of error lower than 1%, which caused Biscuit to comment that she reached his degree of mastery only in her late twenties. When he complains about the unreliability of his Nen ability, Killua wonders again why he made it so. On the elevator, they sense Gido, Riehlvelt, and Sadaso awaiting them. Killua issued a two clauses commands to leave home seems to be some specific writing for viewers to distinguish if Killua and Alluka/Nanika leave home accordingly. [75], Being closest to the stairs, Killua immediately runs down but returns to pick up Gon when he asks for his help to confront Nobunaga. Gon stops him by punching him, which causes them to bicker until Gon remembers the third doctoring trick, ostomy. He reassures her and promises that they will always be together. [198] However, he was unable to recover from the extensive damage to his hands caused by Gon's Rock even after 26 days. Gon takes on Knuckle while Killua and Shoot relocate elsewhere. Relieved, Killua thinks that all that is left is for him to guard Gon for one month. They are assisted by Leorio, who brings down the price of a better model. When he tried to prevent the Selection, he was so confident in his strength that he claimed that tanks and fighter jets would be useless against him,[191] and in fact, he was able to effortlessly subdue a military unit comprised of at least four tanks. Gon then teaches Killua his trick to win at rock-paper-scissors, which was taught to him by a fisherman and consists in carefully looking at the opponent's fist right before the throw. They take him to their hotel room and, when he comes to, enquire about his motives for joining the Extermination Team. He first displayed this ability when he drank five cans of Tonpa's juice during the Hunter Exam without experiencing any side effects, despite the beverage containing a laxative that, in that dose, should have completely dehydrated him. He countered Sub's assault despite the latter having a superior output and his own hands being unusable. He is reticent to tell Gon, but Neferpitou themselves states they are healing her. Killua Zoldyk is one of the main characters in the anime "Hunter x Hunter" Killua is Gon's best friend and met Gon in the hunter exam along with Kurapika Kurta and Mr. Leorio His whole family is a group of assassins and were raised to be assassins. Although at first, he had no intention of letting the two meet, he ends up bursting in tears, lamenting his inability to help his friend. 7" merge into "No. They rent horses and plan to search along the coastline, although Killua is suspicious of the information their translator guides feed them. [89], Healing Factor: Killua can recover from injury faster than normal, as demonstrated when the multiple wounds inflicted to him by the Ortho siblings healed completely in only two days. They are contacted by Gon after he defeats Genthru, but cannot understand what the boy is saying due to his crushed throat. Palm realizes they are not progressing fast enough and recommends they run away so her anger will not be as terrible, but Gon promises they will win and manages to calm her down. [34] He also stated that a blow to the neck that Hanzo used to knock out Gon would only leave him stunned. The NPC who started the quest takes the team to the top of the lighthouse and, at dawn, transforms into "Plot of Beach". He concludes theirs is an intra-family mission, where each Zoldyck tries to accomplish their goal provided they do not kill each other; and that Alluka, whom Silva defined as not being family, is instead a viable target for assassination. He is shocked to see Gon charge a Jajanken attack from a distance. Its removal caused Killua to snap free of his brother's conditioning, thus regaining the full control of his mental capabilities in battle. [106] They come up with a few methods to defend their prize without spells. Killua takes Gon to a hotel and waits for him to wake up, guilt eating away at him for deserting Kite. Gon refuses to give up, so Hanzo threatens to slice his leg off. I guess it pretty much goes to show how for him the two things are pretty much the same. Killua agrees to assist Knuckle against Menthuthuyoupi. [131] The four brainstorm to find potential teammates in their contacts, with Gon considering Binolt, who however is either dead or has left the game. [59], The recorded voice turns out to be Ging's, who challenges Gon to find him. [211] As Gon rages, Killua notes that Neferpitou is not preparing for battle, which leads him to conclude that he is protecting and healing the girl, the contingency neither the Extermination Team nor Zeno was prepared for, and the reason the King injured himself. [23][42][12][108] However, as he honed his Nen abilities, his guesses became more accurate, and he notably sensed Netero's power,[167] whereas he had downplayed it in the past. [128] Killua expects that finding an NPC with information on the cards might even take weeks, but they find several who know about it, although they offer no useful details. He first demonstrated this by sensing Hisoka's bloodlust when it was still subtle. Instead of dodging, he tries to electrocute him, but Illumi's conditioning causes his body to freeze, allowing Shoot to land a blow on him. Alluka asks him if she is just a hindrance to him, and a cause of attrition between him and the rest of the family. He stays at their place for a few days before they transport him to Beeskafmarro. [17] When he was stung by Mosquito, he revealed that her toxin had absolutely no effect on his body. Ten days before the deadline, Gon wonders why Knuckle is not allowed to go to NGL despite his power, with Killua speculating it is because of his personality. Silva is initially reticent to let him meet with her and tells him not to think of her as family, which ticks him off. To Gon, Killua confesses that he felt from Zushi vibes similar to those his brother gave off in their confrontation. Killua verifies if Pakunoda is in the group, which also comprises of Nobunaga and Chrollo. Illumi states that if Killua can let the two butlers die, he should have no problem letting countless strangers suffer the same fate after he heals Gon, and adds that since Nanika is not a member of the family, it can be used to kill another Zoldyck. [86], Masterful Skater: Killua is extremely dexterous with his skateboard, performing acrobatic tricks with ease. The two exchange a few words, but when Palm asks him where Gon is, he becomes wary of her, ultimately calling her an enemy and preparing to fight her. [140] He easily got ahead of Gon during their training on Greed Island,[115] overcoming his inexperience with sheer insight. Killua uses his skateboard and passes by Gon Freecss, Kurapika, and Leorio Paradinight. [8] He can instantaneously dislodge his joints without seeming to suffer any drawback. Curious, Gon asks him what doctoring methods exist, and he explains cauterization, autopsy, and ostomy. Activating Speed of Lightning, he rushes to Gon's side. He thus realizes how each family member feels towards Alluka and determines that Illumi's agenda goes against his father's, meaning that he wants to kill their sister. When they clear, he tries to contact Gotoh, to no avail, so he phones Canary, asking her to tell Hishita to send out cars to three locations as well as one near the hospital where Gon is, confident that they have shaken Illumi off. [14], On their way to the hospital, Killua is called by Leorio. Before they leave, Biscuit begs them to let her join them. Killua nearly loses an eye while attempting to approach him, so he suggests throwing rocks at him. They begin to play, with Alluka making the request instead of her other half and the source of her powers, Nanika. Killua's Nen is the ability to create an aura and manipulate it. [117] They begin with an Enhancement exercise, in which both show remarkable skill, especially Killua. Bopobo swears to take revenge on Killua. Gon, Killua, Biscuit, and Goreinu however decide to try again after finding more powerful allies, with Killua finally understanding what Goreinu meant by "cruel". He discovers it's Palm, who has been mutated into a Chimera Ant. [42] They soon reach the 100th floor, getting their own rooms. [6], He rushes back to where he last saw Gon and Palm, and, when he cannot find them, runs to the hotel. The three make up, after which Tsubone informs him that he has been released from his precautionary level. Introduced during the Hunter Exams arc, Killua has only gone on to achieve greatness with time. [62] Killua manages to raise 286 million before a gamble leaves him penniless, causing him to lose the competition. He feels Meleoron's gaze upon himself, but he and Gon split up anyway. Satotz then arrives to announce the start of the 287th Hunter Exam, in which the applicants would have to follow him to the next examination site. [10] Alluka rejoices at seeing him, while Killua apologizes for going away. Leorio, however, is not worried, as that was his plan all along. He and Goreinu repeatedly pass the ball to each other to allow Gon to get first aid until Goreinu throws it at Razor to redeem himself. Realizing that Gon wants to use his special move, Killua stops him and competes in his stead. [182], He accompanies Gon to the woods next to the city as he makes preparations for his date with Palm. Initially, Killua is introduced as a character who appears similar to Gon: cheeky, cheerful, and full of mischievous ideas. [155], After researching the currents, Kite bets that the Chimera Ant Queen might have washed onto an anarcho-primitivist, autonomous nation called Neo-Green Life. [96], Offended, they vow to pass the tryouts on September 10th. In spite of his young age, his way of thinking, knowledge, and pragmatism give him the attitude of an adult. They resolve to get stronger and write on the city's bulletin board that they accept the challenge. [114], They steadily improve and finally make it to Masadora, only to return to the badlands once again. Moments later, the applicants emerge in the wetlands. When Gon places all 99 specified slot cards in his binder, an announcement goes off that alerts every player of a quiz test, the prize being the elusive "Ruler's Blessing". At the last moment, Killua realized that Illumi had implanted a needle in his brain. Killua is shocked to learn that he was a death row convict and that Greed Island takes place in the real world. [224], Minutes later, Palm finds Killua and tells him that Gon and Pitou have reached Peijin. They exchange one "Witch's Love Potion" for one "Book of V.I.P. Gon redirects it and they almost succeed in catching it, but the Chairman rockets between them and takes it. When his resolve reaches its apex, right before Rammot is about to land a lethal blow, Killua senses a needle in his skull and pulls it out, dodging the attack with surprising speed. After electrocuting himself with a taser, he attempts to replicate the properties of electricity, generating a small spark between his fingers. Following his hunch, they head to NGL. Gon manages to distract Netero long enough for Killua to kick him in the back of the head, but Netero kicks the ball away before he can grab it. Phinks tells the two of them she was thankful to them. He decided to keep it a secret from their parents, who were however informed by Mitsuba after she witnessed one episode. New things feel exciting. The following match is intended to be Leorio vs. Bodoro, but Killua impales Bodoro from behind, thereby failing the Hunter Exam for his murder. As they walk next to a stand participating in a silent auction, Gon picks up a knife, which Killua recognizes as a Ben's knife. Killua snaps one of his handcuffs and threatens Milluki back. When he prepares for combat, however, he finds himself paralyzed by Illumi's conditioning. [140], Killua developed a series of Nen abilities in which he alters the properties of his aura to make it similar to electricity. [159], The trio discovers the hidden side of NGL: a narcotics factory once commandeered by the former kingpin of the country, Gyro. The last test consists of one big decision: choosing between a long path, which the whole group can take but requires 45 hours to clear, and a short one, which requires only three but which can be walked by only three out of the five examinees. How to pronounce Killua? Instead of fighting Knuckle himself, Killua takes Gon back to the hotel, warning Knuckle that he will never forgive him if the following day he will lose for not using his full power. At Gon's house, Mito forced Killua to eat them, but he spat them out. Killua refuses and claims he is fine, but Biscuit forces him to pull his hand out of his pocket, exposing the grievous injuries he suffered. Killua barely manages to save both of them when the segments reunite again and attempt to kill the girl. [112] Half a day later, they have him surrounded with rocks, blocking his field of vision. It means that this name is commonly used. Gon's punch has no effect on them, but they manage to easily defeat the whole group when Killua discovers their eye is their weakness. He is m See more [162] Another inconvenience is that Killua is not aware of exactly how much electric aura he produces, which can result in him depleting his reserves unexpectedly. However, he exhausts his aura before being able to land a decisive blow. He carries Alluka as the three butlers and he runs in the thick of the forest to escape him. He and Biscuit watch Gon smash a boulder with Rock. To Killua's irritation, Zushi is made out to be the front runner. [33] When he doesn't, Killua walks to him, but Imori jumps out of the bushes when his brothers Amori and Umori arrive. Hanzo and Gon are scheduled to duel first. [113] Not even thirty hours of continuous traveling NGL by foot and battling the armed forces could wear him down significantly. Like all extroverts you love to be at the center of attention. [190] To make his moves unpredictable, he continues inciting riots while moving to the south-east, until an ominous feeling makes him change direction. Fearing that Gon will attack it in a rage or that Palm will start screaming at him, he decides to confront it himself. This prompts them to call Kurapika, who does not pick up the phone. The latter kicks the Bomber, who blocks his attack and retaliates, although Killua manages to deflect his punch with his feet. Gon disagrees with the latter proposition, since they will have no such knowledge in NGL. [8] At the age of three, he started training in tailing that routinely put his life at risk. Bopobo, however, refuses to throw his match and urges Killua to fight him outside of the gym. When Killua yells at the perpetrator to come out, a clerk turns the corner and informs them their eligibility expires at midnight. [201] They all convene to charge in from the exit connected to the central stairway. The clerk informs Killua that if he does not register by midnight, due to having failed to do so once before he will be barred from all further combat. Their conclusion is that the King hurt himself, which they relay to Morel. Killua's temper flares, but he eventually complies and is allowed to meet with his sister. Killua accepts to be taken to their hideout. [219] As he defends himself, he asks Palm why she wants to meet Gon, stating that depending on her answer, he might tell her, as Gon's mind risks to shatter. Numerology Chaldean Numerology The numerical value of Killua in Chaldean Numerology is: 7 Killua and Alluka land where Hishita is waiting with a car. The name Killua has six characters. They are forced to flee when spotted by a Melanin Lizard. 1 Godspeed Is Linked To Killua's Nen. [193] In terms of defense, Killua takes full advantage of his agility to jump out of reach[12] or dodge the enemy's attacks[193] without losing his foothold. Killua hopes the exam will become more challenging, so Netero challenges them to a ball game, promising to issue their licenses on the spot if they win. What does "Killua Zoldyck" mean? [50], One month later, Killua and Gon reprise their training under Wing. both of them have gone through a tragic childhood, killing people at a young age and being submitted to torture; just as Hiei can conjure up fire and manipulate it, so does Killua replicate the characteristics of electricity with his aura. He is most commonly known for having a sweet tooth; he loves everything sweet and spent almost 200 million on snacks when he was at the Heavens Arena.

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what does killua mean