how did geography affect religious events in china

Geography does not only affect particular religions system, such as the world's major faiths, are located but it can affect how specific beliefs are practiced and attitude. In many North African and Middle Eastern countries, on the other hand, Islam is dominant. The four distinct regions of Ancient China are the Ancient China mountains, jungles, deserts, and tundra. However, before the ascendency of mass literacy, textual religion, the growth of a religious infrastructure that was sufficient to police and enforce particular theological positions, and a concomitant rise in exclusivist sectarian religious identities, religious communities in the Levant were marked more sharply by a shared agrarian religious culture than they were differentiated by distinct doctrinal characteristics. Geographers also take account of laws and social norms that shape religious practice in the present. In general, the Eastern Mediterranean is arid, with rainfall totals decreasing from north to south and west to east, and with drought being a regular climatological condition. China is unique among nations in its longevity and resilience as a discrete politico-cultural unit. He ran away to figure out what he could do. 1993. In the river valley of the Yangtze River, which runs through the center of China, they experience all four seasons very distinctly. In India the himalayan mountains to north protected from invasions until the Mongols occupied some of the subcontinent territories. The Eastern Mediterranean was shaped by certain geographical and climatological forces that enabled life, through rainfall agriculture, but that also limited life, due to a lack of largescale irrigative rivers, constant aridity, and the blight of frequent drought. Three main features in particular have affected geography in the Eastern Mediterranean. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". These religions emphasized the importance of living a simple and spiritual life, which was well suited to the harsh living conditions of the desert. The mythological narrative of Fimbulwinter and in particular its origins in snow and ice was relevant among its communities precisely because of the specific geography and geology of cold northern climates. 17 chapters | It is the largest of all Asian countries and has the largest population of any . | 11 How did geography affect religious events and development in West Asia, in the Indian subcontinent, and in China 1 See answer Advertisement Advertisement garciajessa072 garciajessa072 Answer: it will affect their belief but still i don't know . 1993. The South Sea is south of Taiwan along the southeast coast of China. The Exodus & Other Movements of the Ancient Hebrew Peoples, Social Structure in Early China | Main Social Classes of Early China, Farming in Ancient China: Lesson for Kids, Political & Cultural Issues in Confucius' Time, The Han Dynasty in China: Characteristics, Wu Ti & Xiongnu, Geography of Early Settlements in Egypt, Kush & Canaan, Transportation in Ancient China: Lesson for Kids, Political Contributions of the Han Dynasty, Huang-He River Valley | Civilizations, Geography & Dynasties, Influence of Geographic Factors on Politics in East Asia. In the Asian country of Israel, Judaism is dominant. China's main tropical rainforest is found in the Hainan Province. Faith connects and gives meaning to everything, uniting people around shared values. History also plays a major role in shaping the geography of religion. If you are uncomfortable writing about your personal experience with your region's religion, then simply make up a scenario about the way geography and religion intersect. Due to the vast differences of landcover throughout China, there are also many other contrasting climates. As churches fade from importance, people turn to politics to find meaning. She is an instructional designer, educator, and writer. These then can be examined for evidence within them of contemporaneous religious, political, and geographical influences, helping to produce a picture of specific gods, religious figures, motifs, or metaphors that accounts for the intersections within them of time and place. News and Interpretations on the Bible and Ancient Near East History. Oxford: Oxford University Press. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". , saved through our faith in God.b. A more contemporary approach to the study of the intersections of geography and religion not only highlights the role of religion in affecting landscape changes and in assigning sacred meanings to specific places, but also acknowledges how in turn, religious ideology and practice at specific spaces are guided and transformed by their location. These natural barriers kept other civilizations from entering the region. Civilization began in China along the Huang he and Chang Jiang rivers. Extremists who want to justify violence usually do so by cherry-picking passages of religious texts. The second and third major features that have affected the geography of the Levant are related to water. Most of Europe, the Americas, and many African countries are characterized by a Christian heritage that has made most of the population Christian today. Early Chinese civilization was largely influenced by the Yellow River and its annual floods. This desert runs across the northern border of China and the southern border of Mongolia. -Most people are born into their religion. The geography of religion also takes account of the relationship between religion and ethnicity. The Silk Road Overview & Trade Items | What was the Silk Road? The Yellow Sea lies along the eastern coast of China between China and the Korean Peninsula, and it also extends into the Western Pacific Ocean. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. And these motifs extend even further back in time. Try refreshing the page, or contact customer support. To fully appreciate China's broad geographic and cultural diversity, one needs to identify general characteristics that act as . The largest desert in east Asia is the Gobi Desert. 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Due to the natural barriers surrounding Ancient China, they did not have knowledge or access to other cultures for centuries. However, cultural influences do not just change the external shape of religion. However, liberalism is far from the ''default position'' of human life. There followed a century of decline and decrepitude, as China found itself relatively helpless in the face of a foreign onslaught. How geography influences religion and religion affect culture? Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. What are the effects of geography on language development? This relative isolation from the outside world made possible over the centuries the flowering and refinement of the Chinese culture, but it also left China ill prepared to cope with that world when, from the mid-19th century, it was confronted by technologically superior foreign nations. By having faith,we can grow our relationship in God,not only that,we can also get closer to God,not only by lacking faith,but also having faith.d. The years from the 8th century bce to 221 bce witnessed the painful birth of a unified China. Example: Sacred religious texts can divide people who interpret them differently, even if they are purported to be of the same faith. [2] Geography has played a significant role in the development and spread of religions in West Asia, the Indian subcontinent, and China. Discover what geographic features isolated ancient China from other civilizations and learn geography facts about China. The great majority of the population is Chinese (Han), and thus China is often characterized as an ethnically homogeneous country, but few countries have as wide a variety of indigenous peoples as does China. The Himalayan mountains to the north protected India from invasions until the Mongols occupied some of the subcontinent territories. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. One of the ways to understand religion is through geography. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Religion can influence the culture of an entire community, nation, or region of the world. Also known as: Chung-hua, Chung-hua Jen-min Kung-ho-kuo, Chung-kuo, Peoples Republic of China, Zhongguo, Zhonghua, Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo, Emeritus Professor of Chinese, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Geography does not only affect where particular religions or belief systems, such as the world's major faiths, are located but it can affect how specific beliefs are practiced and behaviors that it encourages. Thus, many Jews in Israel are not believers, but they are still Jewish. Geography can influence the shaping of culture, religion, politics, and the economy of a country or a region. Shorn of long-term associations in community practice and in iconography, Elijah, St. George, and al-Khir are known among their respective religious communities around the world mainly by the content of their canonical texts. Internal and External Criticism -, This site is using cookies under cookie policy . Many of these features, like different mountain ranges and deserts, created natural barriers to keep ancient China isolated and protected. Indirect Effects of Geography on Language Development. Geography includes both natural barriers, political institutions, and cultures. 4 How does geography affect society culture and trade? Central Intelligence Agency - The World Factbook - China, China - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11), China - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up), Biden hosts Philippines leader Marcos as China tensions grow, Biden, Marcos set to meet as tensions grow with China, Chinese who reported on COVID to be released after 3 years, US ex-security adviser calls for closer ties with Taiwan, Foreign companies in China face growing scrutiny, pressure. Lesley has taught American and World History at the university level for the past seven years. lessons in math, English, science, history, and more. 2014. What is the relationship between culture and geography? The Storm-Gods of the Ancient Near East: Summary, Synthesis, Recent Studies Part One, Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions 7, no. China's physical geography made farming possible but travel and communication difficult. Physical Geography Overview & Examples | What is Physical Geography? The country is bounded by Mongolia to the north; Russia and North Korea to the northeast; the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea to the east; the South China Sea to the southeast; Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar (Burma), India, Bhutan, and Nepal to the south; Pakistan to the southwest; and Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan to the west. China is the worlds largest producer of rice and is among the principal sources of wheat, corn (maize), tobacco, soybeans, peanuts (groundnuts), and cotton. Religious beliefs and ideas, symbols and practice, are naturally affected by the social and geographical conditions in which the theology is elaborated" (Hinnels 2010, 13). in the geography-religion interface. Religious institutions became more defined during this period as state power waned. The provinces are traceable in their current form to the Tang dynasty (618907 ce). God is the father,god is the son,and god is also _______.a. Hindu Deities | Who Are the Main Hindu Gods? Unification of Northern China by Shi Huangdi | Who was Qin Shi Huang? However, the political interest was more on internal land than water. Try refreshing the page, or contact customer support. This manner of organization and study focuses on discrete, comprehensive traditions, and normative beliefs and practices (Knott 2010, 478). How did geography affect religious events and development in West Asia,in the Indian subcontinent and in China? He has since founded his own financial advice firm, Newton Analytical. China stretches for about 3,250 miles (5,250 km) from east to west and 3,400 miles (5,500 km) from north to south. Create a poster or chart that illustrates how religious differences and conflicts can play out. Green, in the cultural and religious evolutions of any region [of the ancient Near East], certain inherent geographical and climatological factors contribute substantially to the local conception of a deity (Green 2003, 9). The Romans before him waged extermination campaigns against Christians who would not bow to the emperor. In fact, many people think that religious diversity is healthy, making life more interesting and valuable. China, which has the largest population of any country in the world, is composed of diverse ethnic and linguistic groups. 1 How geography influences religion and religion affect culture? How does geography affect culture? Stump, Richard W. 2008. copyright 2003-2023 The attempt to convert people through the use of violence has made a regular appearance throughout history. China is a country located in east Asia.It has very diverse geographical features across the country, from many seas and mountains to deserts and tundra. Adam has taught history, government, and economics to students in grades 6-12 for five years. Learn about the geography of religion. Write an essay of approximately one to two pages that explains how geographers examine religion. Moreover, it is artificial: no human phenomena ever exist in a vacuum. All rights reserved. . Provincial power reached its peak in the first two decades of the 20th century, but, since the establishment of the Peoples Republic, that power has been curtailed by a strong central leadership in Beijing. 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These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. This is an indication of the influence that geography has on religion. The holy spirit., what did the apostle of Jesus do which brought joy to many?, what do we need to do to understand and apply the teachings of jesus in our life., Why do we need to determine the cultural relativism in attaining the cultural understanding?. History does not show that people are naturally tolerant. What are the major ethnic groups in China? Religion is a way of life that unites a community. The lens of geography, however, is far more useful in this instance than is that of world religions. Rather than searching within only the single silo of the religious tradition of Christianity in order to investigate in isolation the peculiar characteristics of St. George which results in precious little explanation using the lens of geography allows us to pan out, to investigate these same characteristics in other regional figures, across religious traditions, and across time, which helps explain not only the noteworthy and unusual characteristics of St. George, but also to identify developments and changes, as well as linkages and interconnections with other spatially and historically proximate religious traditions and figures, like Elijah and al-Khir, and even the ancient storm-god Baal-Hadad.

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how did geography affect religious events in china