why do celebrities dress like slobs

Hi Pam, I've commented on this site before, and I thought I would give you an update as to how the thoughtless, ignorant masses are "behaving" in service restaurants these days. This has, like evey other stupid thing, become endemic to so-called American culture, and it's really annoying to me. If people want to let their ugliness hang out in public, I suppose it's their choice. Considering it takes a lot of nerve to wear PJs out in public, I wouldn't count lack of confidence as one of the reasons. They totally remain the property of their respective owners. and implants. Whatever happened to wearing an appropriate tuxedo to formal events? If I've used a photo, video, etc in one of my posts it means I really dig it! Ah, America in the Spring! I've talked about this before but it's just getting worse as the year goes on. Part of looking like you care about yourself,is taking care of both how you dress AND how you take care of the only body you have. A young male yesterday that came in wearing flip flops, tank top, shorts and it was 40 degrees. Apparently, the youngest of the millenial generation will work for minimum wage and be exploited, but is happy so long as they get to express themselves by looking vulgar and unprofessional. Looking around the restaurant I noticed one woman who was at table with a Bluetooth in her ear. Everyone at the checkouts stopped and stared at them as they walked into the store. Variety is the spice of life. Sweat pants, yoga pants for women, t shirts - it's pathetic. It gets so old, and it's just another reason why my opinion of society is beginning to drop.Im all for individuality and self-expression, and Im not suggesting that everyone needs to dress to impress when they leave the house. I refused to have them on my ops after that incident. Also agree with Bill on the tie thing, at least in socal. The only people that I know who dress acceptable are the elderly. (please,take them, and far away if you do. Look at TV shows, like Hawaii Five-O, past vs new series. Even when I dont wear makeup or style my hair, I see to it that I am clean and presentable. I saw a guy I'm a red basketball jersey (sick a sickening garment that needs to stop being worn by non athletes) and lime green shorts. I'm a guy and I feel like you about this issue. Now looking as though one has been in prison for a while has become acceptable. Never apologize, Pam, for stating the obvious. It lacks style and substance; it is likely priced at ten times more than what it cost to make; and is generally indicative of a society of consumners that is hard-up financially. Pajamas belong in the bedroom not at the store. You know,like they actually give a damn about themselves. on this blog. It's also due to the usage of technology and exposure to the information sewer which is the internet. I am only 16 years old, it's not only age that matters, it's intelligence and basic common sense of capitalism and aestethics. And no, not all of them have a thyroid issue or medication causing itit's what they're choosing to eat. I can't tell you how happy I am to have found this site and this article on how sloppy people have become. All the blouses are super long that I can't find a decent blouse to go with skirts. This loss of basic common sense of what looks good has been indicated into the people for generations. He must know where he's going. Burned, frayed, roots grown to their ears, two or three colors at the same time (not to mention all the blues and pinks and purples), long, puffy, messy, uncombed.. I see the latest Issue of GQ with the newest sportcoats from top designers and buy an identical one for pennies on the dollar. Or in my neck of the woods, if you have hundreds of dollars to drop on Red Sox tickets, beer, and hotdogs, you have more than enough for a decent coat or jacket. Feeling good about. I think all the excessive tattooing which has apparently become "mainstream" is indicative of an ill society that is in a sad stage of deterioration. Dumbed down&looking like dumpster divers or whores. Huh? You can blame the bloated, greedy corporations like Wal-Mart and Amazon for contributing to a culture of mass exploitation, and mass production all for the obese masses to consume without thought. Nobody has any pride in himself/herself and nobody has any energy to look at another person either, so there is no need for pride anymore. \: Yes Pam, I think you are completely right when you say that these businesses are trying to save a dime at the expense of customer service and shave their labor costs. That training reflected in my life. One cannot help but wonder where are morals and standards are heading to and it's quite sad to see America this "dumbed down". The USA is being taken down on purpose..you really don't want to know what happens next..David. Iphones have become the "opium of the people." I agree with you, Anonymous. It's sad that people find flipping through Instagram more important than there own appearance. I actually had a senior faculty member come and talk to our new faculty about how to dress professionally (and why it is importantand these weren't just the stereotype faculty who lack "social skills," shall we say? I know it is harder for my apple shape to look nice, but I do try so hard to look nice. 286 friends. Yeah great makes me want to ask them out! Very well said&very true. It has gotten so bad now that if a man wears an ordinary suit outside of a strictly professional business he will be conspicuous, and people will wonder if he's some snob or is rich and showing off. Another point of contention is how everyone gets away with using profanity, whether they are politicians making a speech, or even Ken Jennings on Jeopardy, who was "bleeped out" on a recent episode. I have made a vow: I dont care how old and arthritic I become (and I already do have a very damaged, arthritic knee) I will not dress like a frumpy old mess to go out to a theater. It's truly revolting and frankly, seems dangerous--you're just asking for an infection. I've bitched about this topic many times. Even bums on the street have digital devices, as though to be without one is the ultimate comedown in our culture of automatons. Speaking of strange body piercings, has anyone seem the disturbing trend online which may or may not be Photoshopped where people are piercing the sides of their faces and expanding the holes so that you can see their teeth? Partly this has to do with the visual erasure of style barriers. I don't wanna be a traitor to my generation and all, but I don't get how guys dress today. Now, if I was on-site somewhere and pulling data cables or working on equipment, I would wear a pair of jeans and work boots and a decent shirt. I don't consider the Kardashians a good example of the point you're trying to make, because a lot of what they wear is trampy. Large women in ugly t-shirts with vulgar sayings, "my other friend is a slut too," political or just idiocy. But the mentality of the store bigwigs is that they can use one person to oversee four computerized terminals instead of hiring four additional people. "planned". However, I continually wonder what the hell has happened to our country, with its sham "values" and its embrace of the ugly and hideous, whether it be in fashion, bodies, attitude, politics (don't get me started about Trump!) I went to a department store and wandered around browsing in the clothing section. Even the mod youth culture of 1960s England was made up of some pretty snazzy dressers(picture via. The sleeves of tattoos looks so gross, not artsy and cool. Style, low budget and comfort arent mutually exclusive. (Sorry for my long ramble). The whole process seems counter-intuitive to me, and why do they feel too important now to complete the process for you? It derives from the Irish Gaelic slab, meaning mud. This is what "American culture" has given to today's world, and people eat it up like candy because they want to be like these people. The youngish male weatherman (or meteorologist) appeared on the screen for about thirty seconds to give an update on the weather conditions for the country. Half the time you cant figure it out. Of course, anything seems to go nowadays, but it still perturbs me when I see it. He's the only one in our office wearng a shirt & tie now, it's obvious who's boss. Is this what America has given as an example to the rest of the world? What is notable in both countries is that the standard goes up with the average income of the shoppers.Ties I can live without, but there are plenty to be had in UK shops, and if anything they seem to be having a revival especially with younger men. Not to mention the hoards of young males with scruffy beards and un-groomed facial hair.I get the feeling many have never heard of such a thing as a belt as well. Tell this to the same idiots who make stupid faces on snapchat or like to bullshit there lives on Instagram. You are exactly right. For the record, I was born in the 1950s. And we're smart enough to know that clothes aren't that important and we can weed out women from our lives who judge us on our clothes. I don't really like the modern styling and choices of men's suits, since they are almost made only for those who look like some kind of GQ model with a perfect body. I just don't get the whole "grunge" look. Hi Pam: Your blog has really got me going about how indecently people are appearing in public these days. Thank God I always had a job that required me to dress at the minimum nice business casual, no jeans, and I had to learn how to dress. Obviously they pay money for all of it! and not to mention the tight down to the ankles pants, men and women look so stupid in them. Esquire went so far as to proclaim this the Summer of Sleaze, pointing to celebs dressing like high-school drug dealers. Harsh but fair. I also really dislike the straggly hair and scruffy, untrimmed beard look that so many men wear now to me it just looks sloppy and gross, as if even basic grooming doesnt matter to them. Donald Trump, the shameless, pathological liar and huckster who thinks he has been put in office to do as he pleases, will continue to damn the consequences, damn the poor, damn the ramifications. The celebrities don't help any. Then again, the rationale is: why should one much bother to wear a suit when most people will show up to the party looking like schlubs? If anyone ever invents a time machine, take me with you back to the past to where what once counted as good taste was not some rarity as it is now! They're always wearing track suits and sweats! I really hope this trend does not continue into the 2020s. Ridiculous! Have you noticed how horrendous women's hair styles look nowadays? Using profanity on live tv or radio in the "old days" was once unthinkable, but now there are those who think that free speech enables them to be a foul mouthed pig - or look like one. Canadian here and I can tell you the majority of people dress terribly. Why? That trend sounds like the "Jonah Hex" or "Two-Face" look - why make yourself look like a comic book character? Most 9f us are the work horses that keep the system going, that's all. Unfortunately, so many men today in this country seem to be horrendous dressers. There's a big difference between getting ONE meaningful tattoo and inking your body up from head to toe. I know that times change, but why can't the so-called fashion people come up with a trend that acknowledges real style and class? I am a male in my early thirties who has, or at least once had, a penchant for "dressing up", before the economy crashed. Let's not pass over the fat women slobs out there. It's laziness and stupidity not money issue. I've read that on the whole, Europeans are far better dressed than Americans. Take off the f#$%^&*g ballcaps, for chrissakes! I think it's so sad how sloppy Americans have become, even when they dress casually. In the 90s you had the start of the grunge rockers and the leftover crazy look of 80s punks, then you got into the whole gangster look from rap and hip hop. Because clothes are freedomfreedom to choose how we present ourselves to the world; freedom to blur the lines between man and woman, old and young, rich and poor. "My supervisor told me, 'Always dress up for Linda's class,. I get turned off by the ugliness of tattoos and poorly and slovenly dressed people every time I go out. Sorry for the rant, Pam. I dress in accordance with the weather and make sure Im properly covered. You are growing up with your decision to look good. Yuck. What kind of a standard is that? As Maher pointed out in his on-air editorial, if you can afford $17.99 pajama bottoms with the Budweiser logo on them, then you can afford the $11.99 jeans at Target. Also, you can't go wrong with Macy's -- I get coupons from them all of the time that are often good on top of sale prices. A nice fitted sweater or button down shirt and clean shoes, for example, goes a long way. It is disgusting that people just dont care about anything and make sure they dress the part. (1995). There's no "we" anywhere anymore. Now I see twenty somethings who, when trying to wear semi-formal or business attire, are doing so in the wrong way, such as leaving the shirt untucked, or wearing sneakers with a suit, etc. I think people need to realize that looking nice and decent does wonders for their self-esteem and their own civility. This was in the beginning of the 2000s. The kids were better dressed than the two "adults". Even working class people (which I am) used to take pains to dress as best they could for special occasions, such as church or going out to dinner. Too much technology&laziness¬ enough class,common sense,or values,anymore. It is actually commendable for someone of your age and generation to be tattoo-free. Even when I search the internet for garments made from real wool with classic patterns, I am more and more at a loss to find what I want. People have cast off classical beauty and age old esthetics for what they think is the new thing, when it really is the old abnormal. Casual fashion was just starting to become socially acceptable but not allowed obscenities in public. I came out to the parking lot after buying groceries, and a big white new SUV slowly backs into a space. Even though America is still in an economic depression (yes, it really is! There really is no excuse for it,except that people are'nt taught to dress better by parents or media. My men and even the men of the Royal Marines had everything from gas piston to bolt assembly immaculate and lightly oiled within 15 minutes. People don't think for themselves anymore. I really want a time machine,so I can go back to something betterbecause yes,things ARE getting worse. It is hard to look put together if your hair looks like that in the first place.Hair has been made a political issue, so you can't easily bring a neat hair policy anymore. The rise of casual style. Sad isn't it? in October 2013 (when Crocs were introduced in the late 90s, Maher quipped that people won't be happy until they can go shopping in a diaper) and I've read numerous blog posts attesting to how our European counterparts dress compared to us (hint: we've really let ourselves go.). The women are wearing dresses and hats. I first wrote about the downfall of Victoria's Secret here a good 5 or 6 years ago, but the topic is worth revisiting. I know that their were people like this in the 50s and 60s but it was kept hidden from mainstream America and I know, smoking is not attractive but it was a product of the time period (people didn't know any better). And why do women allow their husbands/boyfriends to dress terribly, when they are dressed up? Who dresses down to go to the doctors office? It doesn't cost hundreds or thouands of dollars to wear clothing that doesn't look as though it functions for bedtime wear. There are comfortable dress shoes! If one wishes to appear in public at large with tattoos, and looking like the circus freaks of old (often worse) than that is indeed one's choice. It was a little unimpressive. Because of fear of communism, all kinds of social organizing has been discouraged, and now they are reaping the rewards. What does "dress like kids" even mean in this context? This is a nation of slobs, all right, and brainless, too. I immediately asked the waitress to remove it from my table when we were being seated. A couple of days ago I said to my husband, am I being a snob or have people become really sloppy? That quote must be extended today to both sexes. Hey Pam, I'm not American, i'm a young male living in Brisbane Australia but we've picked up the super casual slobby dress here too especially in my generation. I suspect some women don't even look at the mirror for a second. BTW I had a suit on as well! Keep that in mind if youre older than 12. Just who is the "boss"?You can say the same about "Reality" shows, while a few decent ones, most are junk. If you always look slovenly, dirty, homeless, trashy, or otherwise tacky, chances are theyll assume that you actually are those things and treat you accordingly. That way they could develop a sloppy style that could be made for very little money and sell clothes for a lot of money. We went to a concert at the Beacon (unbelievably ornate) and most of the women, no makeup, bare legs, tattoos, ugly clothes, appalling! I'd say it was around the late 1990s that people gradually started slacking off more and more in the wardrobe department, perhaps due to the widespread adoption of casual Fridays in the workplace (which eventually became casual Monday through Friday) and the rise of the dotcom industry, with its laid back company culture (which allowed people to ride scooters inside the office; I worked for one of these places myself.) Sky News Australia pays tribute to comedy legend Barry Humphries, with friends joining Sky News host Rowan Dean to remember a life dedicated to laughter. My father practically wore a coat and tie to mow the lawn. I would say that, since, clothing is so comparatively cheap nowadays, it is no longer a reliable social marker,so nobody cares anymore. Its looks like highlighter. The women often arent dressed much better; they tend to wear clothes that are either too baggy or much too small for them.

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why do celebrities dress like slobs