xuan loc, vietnam 1969

Misspelled. I do have a few pictures (non-combat) of Xuan Loc, Tay Ninh, and Nui Ba Din I would be happy to send to you for your reunion. I served at the airfield in Xuan Loc in1967-1968 at different times. I was shipped to Walter Reed in DC in May. Went to Cambodia with the Cav and was sent to Tay Ninh Base Camp, that had just been turned over to the ARVN, when all Americans were ordered out of Cambodia, where we set up a forward team base while our ARVN remained in Cambodia. I really appreciate you answering my questions. I was with Team 87 from September 1967 until I was wounded at Gia Ra in August 1968, when our compound was overrun. Last I heard was doing OK. My email is b333@comcast.net . During the reporting period, Headquarters and Headquarters Battery Maintained a base camp at XUAN LOC, RVN, YT472096. He was wounded in action and passed 20 Nov 69. any one else.. please write gary. [2] Other units stationed at Blackhorse included: Might go back poking around again Spring 2018 (if Im still kicking). I was MACV tdy to there. Gia Ray was the rock crusher site.was not Xuan Loc. I was tgere. It would be good to hear from you. Ha. section chief. I was the advisor to the Vietnamese Provincial Reconnaissance Unit (PRU) in Xuan Loc. Yep LTC Patton told us the same. just wondering? Steve, given the tour dates you posted with MACV Team 87 in Xuan Loc, you probably knew my cousin, E6, Wilbur Leon Green, from Tennessee (also with Team 87). Would love to hear from anyone that knew him / worked with him. After five hours of intense fighting, the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese forces were driven off. Army of Republic of Vietnam Lieutenant General Xuan Lam, Colonel Roberts and staff. I hope this information might be useful in some way. My ration card, Staff Sgt promotion list. (1,853 1,422 pixels, file size: 227 KB, MIME type: https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/mark/1.0/, Last edited on 28 December 2022, at 20:54, work prepared by an officer or employee of the United States Government as part of that persons official duties. My Lightboxes | I was a radio teletype operator there. Thanks Jim, The Captain I am looking for must have left before TF52 was formed and sent to An Loc . Thanks for asking. My last 6 months was spent as an Arty advisor to the arty with the 48th and 52d Regs. Thank you. I always remember in operation with adviser in 52nd rigement when I was there. Pete Boszor by chance. I was an advisor with the 1/43 18th Inf Div from April 68 through August 68. Still have thoughts of the camp and all that went on. By 72 I had been gone three years. I am also looking for information about my Vietnamese counterpart. Bagwell left in Late 68 and replaced by Capt Stanhope, A young and very green doctor. Its a golfer and fishermans dream. was with andy strong when he got killed. Richard, I found 4 locations of a Tc Trng Anyhow, last week my surgeon was overjoyed that PSA level had dropped to nearly zero. I always wanted to contact him in later years. I was with Team 87 Aug. 1969 to May 1970Spec. This page was last edited on 28 December 2022, at 20:54. Contact at crossmanred@aol.com. I was there 66-67 hammer switch board operator in comm building with Jeff Brown. also have their names. Battery B maintained a base camp at NUI DAT, RVN, YS426665. When he arrived in Xuan Loc, he was made the PX officer because of his business background. The Quan Loi Base Camp was established in 1966 for the 1st Infantry Division, in the general area were also other large bases such as Lai Khe Base Campand Phuoc Vinh Base Camp. Somehow, it caught on something and discharged. I learned that my very good friend, LT Walker has been critically wounded in an ambush on the River Road at Long BinhThey ambushed his jeep with B 40s and AKs. I have a few other memories ifbyouvare interested. LtCol Patton with Team 87 43rd RCAT was David Patton nephew of George S. He wasnt a bad guy. It had a lot of big trees and a very relaxed atmosphere. The only problem with this assignment was that on the night of May 17/18, 1969 the North Vietnamese Army attacked the base with sappers, mortars, and rockets. Located on National Highway 1 leading out of Ho Chi Minh City, it is most notable for the battle of Xun Lc, which took place in April 1975. A lot of information To think I missed that operation by a few months. Hi, Dr Snyder was in charge of the unit I was with, but I left Vietnam October 1968. I was in radio/carrier repair. MGRS coordinates would be most helpful, or a location description will be greatly appreciated. Side note: Clerk Dispatcher 25th EOD (bomb disposal) 1967-68; MACV Team 87 1968. That did not occur until the morning of the of the 8th. Are you he? I was there in June 65 when the wire was 6 feet from the chicken coop barrack s. Col Ridenbaugh enlarged the compound to have wooden framed tents. Never went back and really dont want to. I was with the 1st Sig Brigade in the MACV compound in Xuan Loc Dec 69, in Bien Hoa for the friendly fire incident 17 & 18 Feb. 70. Just letting everyone know that Dennis Diekman aka:Zoomie, also passed from cancer last year. I also wonder how we survived but wouldnt trade the experiences for anything. in late 1971 and attended Dave Cronins wedding in Melbourne. We built the bar and the stage there. I do remember that a few days later, LTC Ginger came from the forward area at Tay Ninh and I was able to resume my Artillery duties. Doug Sichler. Please contact me at blackhorse4@verizon.net. Think I still have a couple of the maps he taught me to follow. I can remember one time we had a night time mortar attack and puff the magic dragon came and took care of that real quick! We did not hook up with the 1st because we ran into the enemy also. I was scheduled to replace a Field Artillery Captain that was killed, but none happened, so they sent me to the Air Defense Group where I was an Assistant S4 and later the S4 at the Battalion in Long Bien. I used to to ne an interpreter for American advisority team 87. Thanks Joe. I think I got my years goofed up. I remember the rubber plantations as well Steve K. Steve, I am Spec 4 LeMoyne Watkins my MOS was RTO,but when I came to MACV TM 87 in Sept. 69. Sgts Maher and me. Phil, This is Dave Prybyla. Col. Yep scared the u know what out of me! I want to help you if I can. I went from the team HQ to, I believe, the ARVN 3d Bn 52d Inf at Tanh Linh Village that sat on a 200m nhigh hill. I also appreciate your saying that he stuck up for his men. USA This Well Dedend Much appreciated, he was there from 1966 -1969 as a advisor. Jim lol, Hi Joe.many thanks for your kind reply. armyengineer67@gmail.com. [Note: C Battery 7th Battalion, 9th Artillery (105 Howitzer) occupied the other half of the FSB. Unfortunately, she was killed in a car accident about 30 days after leaving Train Compound. My name is Ray Godfrey . Years later the FBI tracked me down as the revolver was used in an attempted assassination of Marcos in the Philippines. I was there about june 65 to april 66. Am going back again TET 2018..anybody want to join me? I need to look at some maps. Did you know any of them? Got wounded. I got there June 65 as Security Guard. You mean Hey 1 is a freeway? I lived with the 54th Arty but went to the MACV compound sometimes as half of our unit was billeted there. Yes, I met a lady in 09 and we married in 10, but she could not handle the dry of Nevada and needed humidity. He did not die in Bien Hoa but in the general area listed above. After talking to him for a while, I suggested that it might be a good time for him to take a break from Vietnam maybe return to the states for a year, then back to Vietnam if thats what he wanted to do. Please drop me a line at Ronnielarson@uwalumni.com. Was with Team 87 68-69. President Thieu and Japanese Ambassador to Vietnam seated. I have gone to gogle earth to view the tops of the signal hills where I spent a total of 8 months of my life and found them to be scrubbed clean of any reminders of the war. I just found this site No photo. He came to America with his mother as a refugee from Czechoslovakia in 1956 when he was six years old. Dick Wolfe, Dick If so I met you at the funeral home. Servered wgith G-3 TOC and I&R G-2. CANNOT GET SPECIFIC COORDINATES. Camancho(sp.) He also showed me a very nice place near our Siagon headquarters where a guys could get a drink, black market steak and relax. It started with the inquiries by Cole and the Lt that was killed. I dont remember all the names, but one of you set me up with a Observation Flight when one of our ARVN Units was attacked by Charlie. He ended up being the SA for TF 52 with Marv and the Sergeant that were wounded. Richard. WITHIN THAT SECTION OF LAND IS WHERE SGT COBB AND LT COLLIER WERE KILLED. Life goes on. Time with Team 87 was November 68 November 69. Thanks Ray. Sadness is the word. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ). It was Zoomie aka Dennis Diekman. I was a captain although the Senior Advisor was CPT Ed Bailey from somewhere in KY. Take care and enjoy the new (Temp) place. This Page is intended for the discussion of the Military Assistance Command Vietnam Team 87 located in Xuan Loc. Anyway Take Care Stay Safe. Im a cousin of his wife Nancy. was captured near the fire support base between Tay Ninh and Krek. He was not receptive to the suggestion and stayed. I was the G4 advisor from January til June 71, The G4 was LTC Xuan. Im doing a remembrance paper on LT Collier and am trying to get as much information about him and that time period as I can. I dont like to utilize so public a space as the internet Mark Scully, You left right before I got there, April 69. I believe it was during this time that they were in Cambodia under heavy fire by a machine gun nest and lost many man until he lost it stepped out into the machine gunners range of fire and blasted them away. Retired in Wellton, AZ. Broke his leg . Thanks Ed.Ive pretty much sifted thru all the material re the Battle for XL. I have a map of the area that Ill make a copy and send it to you, but I need an email address. I was there 71-72 left April or so. There was an old SF Site just South of it. They ran out of ammo. Also Don Keogh ( Philadelphia ) and Doug Souza ( Boston area ). On a good day you could miss most of the ambushes. USAF General Joseph J Nazzaro shakes hands with group of Vietnamese Air Force airmen at Da Nang Air Base in Vietnam. My uncle will not talk about his time in the war which I totally understand, thanks for anything you can come up with. all the stuff going on, all over, makes me feel guilty but Im willing to accept the duty. At the time I was there mostly there were big tent cover with wood sides and floors. My driver got the shakes when we ran into local security types a couple of times, so had to skedaddle. Same was true of his Deputy, Col Tuberty, who left the 11th to take over as Senior Adviser 18th ARVN Div. Ran around scrounging with my driver. Maybe Evans.) According to the notes I found he was also in: MACV Delta; MATT Adv Team #55 at Rach Gia; then Military Advisory Team #87. It always seemed that the III Corps people wanted more and more and the stress was obvious. Lucky. I visited Nowrah (sp?) I would be thankful for any info at all about this incident. I think shortly after you left Major Stimlsly? The 43rd lead the way followed by the 48th and went back into Cambodia and the 48th back to Trien Ngon( The old SF Base just South of the border). Heading back to VN on 17 March 2014, with intention to visit Xuan Loc and former Bn base at Nhon Trach (on the river about 10km SE of Saigon). The perimeter was compromised but was driven out by artillerymen. Tdy from 39th Signal Batalion Hdqtrs at Vung Tau. FYI. Hope to travel by next spring. Unfortunate that the censor chose to delete my description of the corpse I didnt intend for it to be deliberately graphic but rather to provide context for why Sgt. The Senior Advisor had just refused to extend his time in VN and he had to leave his girlfriend. R. Wolfe: Remember me Bo Beauchemin? The Col expanded the perimeter and got wooden hooch with canvas tent covering and parachute ceiling. Does any of this feel or look right? The Japanese Ambassador makes a speech at a podium. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all. Third mass burial uncovered. Town itself was unreconizable. Snow bird country. My great uncle Staff Sgt Leon Green belonged to this group if anybody remembers him, Id love to hear some stories about him.. Lucas profound apology for hijacking your message, but Ive been MIA on the site since 2017. Only knew of him by reputation. Col. Chuck Ridenbaugh was the Senior Advisor. During the Easter offensive of 72, my district ,Dat Do, in Phuoc Tuy province received help from 18th ARVN division.

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xuan loc, vietnam 1969